One bad soulmate doesn't ruin them all

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Ruby was afraid to meet her soulmates. She knew one of them, Raven, was her sisters mom who abandoned her because she thought Yang was weak. She was worried that they were all like that. She didn't want to be connected with more people like that.

When she learn Weiss and Blake we're both related to her other soulmates, Winter and Kali. She said nothing but began to occasionally ask them questions about them. She learn Blake's mother, Kali, owned restaurant and that Winter was a soldier in Atlas' army. None of what she learned about them sounded bad but still Ruby feared they turn out to be.

Then Winter came to visit her sister, Weiss. Ruby said nothing and tried to actually sneak away while the two sisters reunited. However she was stopped by Yang, who knew what was going on.

Then Weiss started introducing them to her sister. "...and this is my partner, Ruby Rose.", Weiss finished pointing to the young red head. Winter's eyes lit up and she approached Ruby. She grabbed Ruby's hand and kissed it causing Ruby to blush.

"It's nice to finally meet you, my little soulmate.", Winter practically purred while still holding Ruby's hand. "Soulmate?! Ruby, why didn't you tell me? What else are hiding?", Weiss yelled and tried to grab Ruby by the collar. Winter and Yang both blocked her.

"Rubs I think you should just tell them truth.", Yang says. Ruby gulped and nodded. Then she explained how she was soulmates with Yang's mom who abandoned her. She told them she was afraid to meet her soulmates because she was worried they'd all be like Raven. Then she told Blake that her mother was her third soulmate which just got a nod out of her.

After she finished Weiss still glared at her and said, "You still could have told me." Then Weiss grabbed her sisters arm and stalked off. Winter gave Ruby the call me symbol over shoulder which Ruby blush and hide her face in hands.

Ruby kept in touch Winter over the next couple of month and then she meet Blake's mom. Who turned out to a lovely and motherly woman who was very excited to meet Ruby and Winter both but wanted it be platonic because she loved her husband. Ruby and Winter had their first date at her restaurant. After that Ruby felt like a big weight was off her shoulders. One bad soulmate didn't ruin them all.

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