My soulmate is my Mom.(It's platonic.)

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Ruby always knew her mother was her soulmate. She thought it was great but other people especially other kids usually did not. Tired of teasing and bullying Ruby stopped telling people unless they specifically asked or had to know and began hiding her mark.

Ruby was 15 when she started at Beacon. As soon as she meet her partner she knew she was type to get irate over the fact that her soulmate was related to her. Her sisters partner however was did not seem like she'd care about that.

When Blake revealed that she was faunus Ruby was shocked but thought it made a lot of sense. When Blake and Weiss started fighting over the fact that Blake was a faunus Ruby had enough and revealed her own secret just to get them to stop. "My Mom is my soulmate.", she yelled over them.

They stopped and looked at her. Once they'd gone quiet Ruby began to talk more. "Ever has the right to their own secrets. Blake was afraid of how people like you would react. Just like how I am about that fact my mom is my soulmate. She had every reason not to tell. Having cat ears doesn't make her a different person. It makes her faunus who doesn't feel safe enough to be herself.", Ruby stated.

Weiss scowled and stomped out of the room, slamming the door. Blake approached Ruby and said, "Thank you, Ruby. I'm sorry you had to reveal your own secret to defend me though. Will you be alright if Weiss tells people?"

Ruby nodded and said, "Yeah. I'll be okay. I'm tougher then I seem." Blake smiled. "Okay. I think I need some alone time though so I'll be leaving for now.", Blake said and left.

Yang looked at her sister silently for moment. "Will you really be okay if Weiss tells people?", Yang asked. "I'm tired of hiding it. I now it'll be hard but I can handle it. However I think I want to call mom.", Ruby said. Yang nodded. Ruby pulled out her scroll and called her mom.

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