Strawberry Ice Cream

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Ruby couldn't believe it. Her soulmate was a villian, even worse she was Roman's assistant. 'This can not be real. There is no way. The person who gave me an ice cream cone for a mark is a villian.', Ruby thought her self while feeling her mark practically dance in presence of the silent woman. Ruby was so shook by experience that Neo and Roman were able to escape. Before leaving though Neo did look back at Ruby and hesitated.

Ruby spent the next few days desperately trying to find them. Eventually she found where they kept their airship and snuck abroad. She was eventually found by Neo they began to fight. "Neo you don't have to this. I'm your soulmate I can help you. You can walk away from all of this.", Ruby pleads to the woman who bites her lip and shakes her head.

Before Ruby can try further to convince the woman Roman appeared. They continued fighting and Ruby almost lost but decided to kiss Neo distracting her enough for Ruby to push her off the ship and then jump after her.

After they landed Neo was ready to start fighting again but Ruby pulled her into a hug and kissed her again. When she pulled away from Neo she said, "You won't ever have to do Roman tells you to again. Okay. You can just be you now. He'll think we're both dead now. We can be together." Neo starred at for a minute and then kissed her again.

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