You Saved Me

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Ruby imagined being kidnapped would lead to finding soulmate. She also through never thought that her soulmate would be the leader of a criminal organization. However she was chained and eyes locked with Sienna Khan, the leader of white fang, as both there clocks went off.

Normally Ruby would have run up and hugged her but knowing that doing so now would would probably mean death so she restrained herself. She tried to speak up multiple times but was silenced each time. They ignored her other then that and went about business. Ruby kept her eyes on Sienna they entire time until Adam entered the room.

Ruby's gazed switched to the man and became a glare. She knew he was planning something. He approached Sienna without giving Ruby so much as a glance. As he started climbing the stairs though someone called out to him.

"What are you doing?", they said to Adam. Adam turned, looked at the who had spoken, and said, "What's right for the faunus." Then he turned back around and said in a slightly louder voice, "From this day forward I will be the one to lead the white fang."

Several of the armed guards around cocked their guns and pointed them, some at Sienna and some at Adam. Sienna looked around at them. Her eyes stopped on Ruby's and she said, "If you think I'll just step aside and follow beneath you, your wrong." Then she turned, at the same time Adam went to impale her, and Ruby rushed forward.

Ruby tackled Adam to the ground a centimeter before he was able to kill Sienna. She kicked his weapon out of his grasp and began to strangle him with her chains. "Guards imprison him and the other traitors. Then bring girl to chambers.", Sienna demanded and the loyal guards quickly got to work.

A hour later Sienna entered her rooms to find Ruby sitting on the floor. She frowned at the sight. "Unchain her and then leave.", she told the guards in the room. They hesitated but did as she asked.

Ruby rubbed her aching wrists and beamed at the white fang matriarch. Sienna inspected Ruby moving ever closer. "You saved me. Why?", Sienna said. "Because your my soulmate and I just found you. I'm not about to lose you.", Ruby answered.

Ruby's SoulmatesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz