Chameleon and a rose

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Ruby was born with chameleon eating rose petal as her soulmate mark. Her family was easily able to figure out that her soulmate was either a chameleon faunus or really really really loved chameleons and felt it was more likely the former. Not that anything wrong with loving chameleons more then anything in the world but it was much more likely to be a faunus. So Ruby was not surprised when meeting Blake's friend who was chameleon faunus named Ilia that her soulmate mark came alive with electricity. However she was ecstatic.

Ruby practically flung herself at the girl to hug her. "It's so nice to finally find you.", she told the girl. Confusing all but her sister, Yang, and Ilia herself. "Nice to finally meet my little's sisters soulmate.", Yang said held her hand out Ilia who was still being held in death grip by Ruby. Ilia grabbed Yang's hand shook it. The shock of everyone increased because they assumed she was Weiss' match, except the white haired girl who didn't even know Ruby had a mark.

"Uhm. Well that's great but we have a battle to prepare for let's leave that excitement for later.", Blake said as Ruby finally let go of Ilia. Ruby pouted but nodded relenting to Blake.

As soon the haven battle is over-

Ruby ran up to Ilia. "I have so many questions for you. I'm sure you have a lot for me too. Oh. Do you like cookies and strawberries? I love them...", Ruby rambled on causing Ilia to have a hard to keep. "Uhh, lets get checked up on and then I'll answer your questions.", Ilia said interrupting Ruby.

After getting checked on by medics and checking on everyone else. Ruby started asking questions again but slower. "So what's your favorite color? Mines red."
"Blue. I like blue. How old are you?", Ilia responded. So they went on trading questions and answers and getting to know each other for the next few days until team RWBY had to leave.

It was a tearful goodbye for 2 soulmates. Neither wanted to let go of each knowing they might never be able to see each other if Ruby fails. "I don't want you to go. Do you have too?'', Ilia told Ruby. "I don't want to leave you either but I have to or a lot of people will get hurt. I'll be back as soon as I can. I swear.", Ruby said. Right before she left Ruby gave Ilia a sweet kiss on the lips that left both wanting more. Months later while Ruby send message to all of Remnant over scroll Ilia felt proud of her soulmate and couldn't wait to see her rose again.

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