"She is well. She's a little monster." 

"She seemed nice." 

"Are you kidding me? When you met her, she tried to make Lamby believe that his name isn't Harry." 

"I forgot about it. She is so funny." 

"I know. That's why she is a little monster." 

"How old is she?"

"She is three." 

"Oh, a little young lady." 

"Yes, don't remind me. Everyday she is growing out of her clothes and i can't stand it." 

"That's the magic about being a parent, right? Watching your kids growing up." He states.

"I wanted her to stay a baby forever. She was the cutest thing ever, not that now she isn't but she was the cutest baby." 

"She is a copy of you, Iris." 

"I know, it's like looking to a blonde version of myself."

We talk a little more before everyone comes. Jeff is very busy today, as he says, and he wants this meeting to be as short as possible. We talk about what are we going to do with Shroom Bloom and what are we going to say to Mick. 

I'm so excited to see him again. When i worked with Mariah Gerald, i got to see him often. Now, i don't get to see him that much but i know that he always has my back. He is one the best people that i know. 

"Iris. You didn't tell us. How do you know him?" Jeff asks me. 

"I worked for Mariah Gerald, you know the Hollywood actress. She is like best of friends with him from the Seventies. That's how i met Molly too." 

"Oh, I see. You have been around many celebrities then. Are we going to use your contacts again?" 

"We will see."

"I have to go. Harry you will come with me. The other Harry can do whatever he wants." He points to Lambert.

"I just became the other Harry." He sighs dramatically.

"You did, Styles." Molly told him. "I have to leave you too. Kids are home with the hubby and as much as trust him i can't leave him alone for a long time. See you tomorrow Iris. See you whenever H." 

And that's when awkwardness begins. 

"Do you want to go grab something to eat? You don't have to stay today."

"Of course. Let me grab my things."

I take my things and we head outside. We go to the nearest place we can get some food. We go there on foot because it is really shiny today. I miss the weather that England has. 

"What are you thinking?" He asks me.

"I miss the weather in England. Here it is always sunny and I'm getting tired of it." 

"Yes, i don't like it either. That's why i don't live exclusively here."

"I wish i had this opportunity."

"When was the last time you went home?"

"A year ago. I don't plan going soon though."

"Why's that?"

"My mother is going to visit for Christmas. And i really don't want to go there all alone. Do you miss your family?"

"Everyday, but i got used to it. I am absent for nearly 12 years now."

"Yes, I know. My sister was big directioner back in the day." 

"You weren't?" 

"No, I was in love with Ashton Irwin."

"Hm, little Ashton huh? I know him and I can arrange something. Be your wingman." He says playfully.  

"Don't even try to think about it. I'm not going to talk to you ever again."

"I'm your boss honey, you have to talk to me." 

"I will quit." 

"No, you won't." 

Harry and I have a lot of things in common. We stayed there for an hour just talking about our lives. He is so down to earth and i think that him and I will be great friends. 

I never imagined that I would be sitting in a small restaurant with Harry Styles talking about our life, our jobs, my daughter and share cooking recipes. I even recommended that I would like to help him become a better cook.

Harry is a person you want to have as a friend. You want him to be in your life like I want him to be in mine. I know from now on that he is going to be someone who is going to stay. And I am here for it.

The next one will be bigger. IT'S GETTING Exciting.

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