"I want to. I will get her back to your by the time pizza is ready. I know how a child can be and i know that you two need some alone time." 

"You are the kindest soul. Thank you." 

"You don't have to thank me. I have to go because i will be late for work. I will see you in the afternoon." I tell him and i rush to my car. 

I am in the office on time and i hate that i know that everyone will be waiting for me. I walk inside as fast as i can and when i enter the office i see the other four already there. Harry is here today, too. 

"Hello, I'm sorry I'm late." I tell them as i put my papers out of my bag. I had some ideas last night and i wrote them down so i would remember them for today's meeting. 

"Don't worry. Sue just came too." Lambert informs me. 

"Yes, sit down so we can start." Harry says and i can understand from the tone of his voice that something is wrong with him today. I don't know him long enough but he is a really happy man, always smiling. He isn't that today. 

"I had an idea last night. I was listening to Stevie Nicks and the thought of magic in Shroom Bloom haven't left my mind ever since i told you about it. I was thinking that maybe he should ask her to be the face of the collection, knowing that you are friends with her." I point Harry and nobody talks so i continue expressing my thoughts, "but then i had a better idea. Why don't we do the unexpected? Why don't we ask Mick Fleetwood? It will be iconic." 

I look at all of them expecting a reaction. Molly is smiling, Jeff is in deep thought, Lambert is looking at me excited and Harry is serious. 

"That's the greatest idea i could hear today." Jeff says eventually. 

"Thank you, i know that he can decline but we have to at least try."  

"I won't call him." Harry says. "I can't ask him that, we aren't that friendly to ask him to be the face of shroom bloom, so we have to think of something else." He denies my proposal. Lambert looks at him disappointed. 

"If you can't call him, i can." 

"How do you have his number?" He tells to me and i can see the irony in his voice. 

"I was a personal assistant to one of his friends, so i got to know him. I don't fear the rejection, i am sure he is going to love the idea." I stand by my thoughts. 

"Okay, call him then." Harry tells me. 

"Harry, talk better to her." Jeff says and i find it weird. Usually he is the one who gets to speak to me with that tone. 

"I am the boss, I can demand things. Call him. I want to hear the rejection."

"Okay." I take my phone to my hand and i search his contact. He answers after three rings. 

"Hello, Iris. I didn't expect you to call me." 

"Hello, I'm sorry of bothering."

"Don't ever say that again. How is my favorite assistant in the world?"

"I'm fine, thank you." I laugh. "How are you?" 

"I'm fine. How is your little girl?" 

"She's getting older and older and i can't stand that." 

"Oh, i have to see her one of these days." 

"We can arrange that. You know, i quit my previous job." I can see Harry getting frustrated about my conversation with his friend. 

"Oh, where do you work now? If you want a job, I can offer you one." 

"No, thank you. I found a job as a creative director in Pleasing. It's a new company, owned by Harry Styles. You know him, right?"

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