"I was waiting for you, i have the papers ready.....
"Say no more," she cut me off which was rude but hey the person I'm talking too doesn't care about letting people finish their sentences.

"We can't sign the papers here, we have to go to my headquarters." Immediately those words left her mouth, sadness was what covered every fibre of my being. I thought she would change her mind, Jace had set up cameras in the house. Don't get me wrong, she had informed me that she would take me were my sister was held to hand over the papers but i just didn't want to go with her alone.

"No!" I said surprising myself and Bella whose eyebrow was raised to question my unreasonable response.

"What i mean is that, I'm on house arrest and if we leave to your headquarters the police will follow and the job will be difficult to complete. Here it's much better, Jace is heartbroken and he decided to leave to God knows where, Ella isn't around so it's safe here." I said all that in a single breathe making me breathless after finishing my over cooked speech, off course she wouldn't carry out such an important issue here, she's smarter than that which makes this plan a whole flop. Jace better have something up his sleeve otherwise we are goners.

"Stop wasting my time Cinderella, we need to get this done quickly. I have to get my son from those old fools and then head out to my destination so i can't see you people beg on the streets but trust me I'll be updated on your down fall and as for the police. I gave them cupcakes, oh wait, i mean drugged cupcakes. Those cops will be unconscious for 14 hours which is enough time, so get moving."

"Okay, let's go." I was literally panicking at this point. Jace and i planed everything here and Bella just out smarted us. We thought she would sign from here and then get the papers after releasing my sister.

Half an hour later we arrived at an abandoned factory which i assume was were she did most of her scheming from. It looked dark and scary and believe me jasmine would be petrified just looking at this place.

I held onto my belly praying my baby comes out unhurt from all this. I just want everything to go as planned but Jace didn't know i was here and i couldn't contact him for Isabella had my phone, she actually searched me before allowing me in her car claiming she didn't want any performance from me otherwise my belly would go 'boom!' her words not mine.

"Isabella please have mercy on Jace, i promise to leave your lives just.....

"Enough with the sacrifices mother Teresa, please i know you can't leave him. Immediately you got here you managed to get yourself pregnant.  I slept countless times with him and he always used protection and threw everything so that i couldn't get anything."

I could feel the fury in her voice and she was frustrated. She was madly in love with someone who didn't spare her a look.

"Enough with this drama please, let's get going and good news you get to see your sister again, isn't that kind of me?" She smiled and it made me sick to my bone.

We walked in silence, i thought this place was scary but looking at the inside i was about to pee my pants. It looked like it came directly from the conjuring horror movie. She only had one torch on.

"You will definitely love this place Riele, i was actually telling Danielle the other day how you are going to betray Jace," she chuckled as i kept walking silently to were ever she was taking me with all the necessary documentations for the transfer, Jace made genuine legal papers so if she signs them then it's done for.

"Please don't do this," i plead with her though i know it's pointless.

"Oh well, i already did," with that said she gave me a little push not to hurt me but to make sure i entered a huge production area were most of the goods of the factory were made and looking at the old machinery this was a juice factory. Great! I get to die were juice was made how convenient.

"Hey look over there," she pointed to the left side of the room and in a corner was Cree, Danny and Cree's fiancé tied up together.

"Cree! Danny!" I wanted to run to them but she got a hold of me.

"Ah ah ah, property papers first, then you can reunite with them." She stated without losing the grip she had on my hand.

"What if you don't follow through with your words?" I question still struggling to free myself.

"There's only one way to find out," she winked at me and reached out for the envelope but i stretched my hand and she was furious.

"What are you doing?" She asked clearly getting annoyed.

"Bella why are you doing all this?"

"You mean killing Jace's parents and girlfriend, murdering sean? Or perhaps separating you from your lover?" She rubbed her head as if trying to squeeze an idea out of it.

"Jace sees you as his friend but you took everything from him and killed Sean who loved you dearly."

"You don't have a right to judge me!" For the first time i saw hurt in Bella's eyes.

"I did everything so he could love me, i do regret having Sean killed but he wanted to betray me and help Kira to expose me." She was pacing the room like someone who was in need of a blunt.

"I loved Jace and stood by him before he actually became who he is today but instead he a horrible choice, he choose my step sister over me."

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears.
"Monica was your stepsister?"

"Yes, no one knows about it people i told Monica to never tell anyone apart from Jace and Jace couldn't tell a single soul, growing up Monica had  the love of our parents which i always wanted to have. She was loved by everyone including my own dad who was her step father. He's my dad but he wanted me to be more like my step sister who wasn't his blood. Then i met jace in junior high and he understood me, we would have conversations almost all the time and for the first time i felt loved." I could see a broken child infront of me.

"We were just fine till mom decided to transfer Monica to my school and Jace liked her more than me, before I realized Monica and Jace fell for each other right in front of me. Jace and i shared the same passion for acting and we auditioned together and got the part but who was thanked for the hard work? Monica!''

How could i not see this? Bella is a frustrated child living in the shadows of her sister, despite killing Monica, Bella has never erased Monica from Jace and then i came along.

"I didn't mean to kill Jace's parents, i wanted only her to die . I thought she was going alone but i was busy with Kira and when i finally noticed they were already gone. I didn't mean to kill them," her voice came as a whisper.

"But that doesn't give you the right to hurt other people, Sean truly loved you and perhaps your parents only wanted you to do your best and make them proud." This wasn't the right time to be a motivational speaker but hey it's better than keeping quiet.

"You have no idea how it feels like seeing the one you love the most love another person right in front of you. I had to pretend for years till i couldn't take it any more and Sean only loved me because he felt pity. I could see it in his eyes and......

"You should try to love yourself first, i know how you felt cause i went through the same thing too. I was always told to be more like Danny and my own boyfriend couldn't even show me love then the accident happened and my parents left us. I carried alot of guilt all this while and now all i wish for is to turn back time. Please just surrender yourself and you might actually get less punishment."

"Surrender? There's no turning back. Now Riele give me the papers or the ones you love die," she pulls out a gun from her waist band and i know what's next.

"You have to kill me first before i give you anything that belongs to Jace."

"Okay, it's your funeral," she points the gun at me and i close my eyes.
Is this how i die? I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to jasmine, Ella, Jace, Cree, kira and my sister. Despite being infront of me i couldn't say my goodbyes.

"Goodbye Riele make sure to say hi to Monica and funny thing you both die with Jace's baby in your womb," before i could process anything the gun is fired and my eyes close.
Is this how i die?

Thanks for reading, I'll do my best to update the two last chapters to this book soon.
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I really appreciate.❤️

Sorry I hurt you ( JAELE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora