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I feel a lingering sense of worry as I head out onto the cold streets. Very few humans are out this late in the morning. The only ones I see have collars or are huddled up on street corners. It's hard to see them shivering, knowing that could be my fate if I can't find a job.

I turn away and towards the sea to the north. I've never worked in logistics, but I'm sure the lowered wage will at least help with making me more valuable as an employee. It's further than my old job but the sound of the sea is nice in my ears.

I perk up as I get to the port entrance, and the staff looks me over. They seem somewhat surprised to see me here and don't open the gates right away.

"What brings you here, Flita? I would hope you're not going to cause any trouble?" One of the men says, as I look over, seeing a large ship in the distance.

"I'm here to check for work," I say sternly, hoping they take me seriously.

I gasp and cry out as one of them grabs my wrist with the weird bracelet on. It falls slightly down my wrist as the others watch me.

"Is this some kind of joke? Go back home!" The one holding me snarls as I try and shake out of his grip.

I lose my breath as I'm tossed to the ground, wincing as I hit my side roughly. I back up, and one of the others comes over looking annoyed, and I get up to run. They aren't happy but I don't know why.

"Jeepers, don't you think you were a bit rough? She's clearly a pe-" one of them says as I dash away, not liking the angry tone they are using and soon finding the voices cut off.

I crouch low to the ground once away and lean against a wall, trying to calm the fear flooding my body. My hands are on my chest as I try and slow my breathing.

I tense up as I hear footsteps. But looking up, I see it's one of my old friends, Milly. I smile and move to stand, taking her hand as she helps me up. I frown, though, seeing a collar around her neck.

"Hey Valor, you okay?" She asks, seeming concerned as I start to brush myself off.

I nod and follow her as she starts walking, glad for the distraction. She seems happy and I'm glad she's doing well, she was quite sick last time I saw her. Her face has more colour and she seems stronger.

"Yeah, I'm good, you? Looks like you have more energy now," I say, watching as she turns on her heels to face me.

She chuckles, and I smile, liking the big smile on her face. It's good to see my friend happy after all the stress she was under.

"Yeah, Franus medicine is amazing! As long as I stay with my master I can get these pills that make me feel better, " she says, pointing to her chest.

"The vet said my heart doesn't work properly, and the blood doesn't move around my body well. But the meds fix it, and I feel so much better!" She goes on excited to explain this to me.

She jumps up and starts walking along a wide, low concrete fence. I've never seen her healthy enough to do that or even feel safe enough. It feels kinda strange seeing my friend so healthy, but I'm glad she's better.

"Wait, vet?" I ask suddenly puzzled and thinking she must have misspoke.

She sighs and sits down on the fence, swinging her legs up and down as she thinks. I move over and sit beside her, waiting for her to answer.

"Well, of course, a Flita seeing a Franus would need to go to a vet. We aren't the same as them, after all. They are superior to us naturally, " she says with a huff.

I'm taken aback by her views and move to stand, dodging as her hand moves over near mine. She looks sad but then points to my wrist.

"Is that why your not at work, why didn't you tell me you've made a choice like that I could have given you advice" she says seeming sad but I just look at her confused.

I cover the strange bracelet with my hand hating how it seems to be causing me trouble.

"Oh, you're not happy about it? I get it. It's hard to accept at first, but it gets easier once you get used to it, " she mumbles, and I just roll my eyes, shivering as a cold breeze blows past.

"This stupid thing has done nothing but give me trouble." I tremble, and my voice shakes as I feel like I'm on the verge of crying.

I turn away from Milly, hating how upset I'm getting. Shaking her off, I start walking away as she places her hand on my shoulder.

"What do you mean, have they hurt you?" She asks, but I ignore her and keep walking.

I see her following behind me, hearing her call out my name, but I just keep going.

"Valor! Valor, let's just talk about this. If you're being hurt, there's system-"

"Stop, just leave me alone! You won't understand now that one of them has come and 'Saved' you" I yell, seeing her stop walking.

I keep going until I get home and then collapse onto my bed. I was supposed to be looking for work, but the idea of being manhandled by the Franus has me scared.

My stomach growls, and I groan and get up. I head into the makeshift kitchen and have another look around to see if I have any food, but there's none there. I'm tempted to break into my rent money, but remember how dangerous the streets are.

I head over to a window and see dark clouds forming outside. It's cold even in here, and I can't imagine how bad it will be on the streets.

1018 words

Written: 30 November 2022

Published: 17 March 2023

A rough life for a human pet Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat