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I'm half asleep dozing as I hear a knock on the door. It's calm and slow, so I guess it's nothing urgent. I'm sitting up, but I don't bother to go over. Draino seems happy as he goes over, though.

"Hey Tandry, it's good to see you, sister," Draino says, leaning into a hug with someone, I'm assuming this is the sister he mentioned.

A woman comes in as Draino opens the door wider. It's a Franus woman, but she doesn't seem as mean as others I've seen. At least nicer than the one who kicked me with her heel...

"It's good to see you too Draino, how have you been. I heard you took in a Flita recently?" Tandry says happily, looking around the room before meeting my gaze.

She's smiling as she looks to me, then turns back to Driano as they head into the dining room. Curious, I get up and follow them, heading over. Leaning against the doorway, I'm facing the hallway as I listen to them talk. I don't really want to be around Draino right now, or this woman he calls his sister.

"I've been good, Tandry, though things have been rather complicated. The Flita is called Valor, and I had to take her in rather urgently. Kind of how things tend to go with our family, right? " Draino says seriously but ends off with a chuckle.

I scowl at the idea of what happened being a joke. It certainly didn't feel like a joke when I passed out or was panicking about not being able to pay the medical bill. It definitely didn't feel funny when I was told I had to stay here and adapt to all this new stuff.

"Valor, that's a cool name... things have certainly been rather rough for the poor creatures lately with the wage reduction and anti Flita sentiment seeming to be everywhere nowadays." Tandry says seriously, her gaze catching mine again, and I scowl at the unreadable expression she's giving me.

She sighs a look of concern over her face as she rubs her forehead. Tandry takes a seat at the main table as Draino finishes up the meal, giving everyone a plate. Theirs has meat on it, but mine has some kind of beans instead.

I head over and sit at my seat, digging in, trying to brush aside the horrible bath I was forced to take yesterday from my mind. I guess I might as well eat even if it's uncomfortable having a stranger in the room.

"There is a specific reason I've come here, though..." she says, slowly placing her utensils down on her half eaten plate.

She pauses, and it's silent for a moment as I wait to hear what she has to say. I've already finished my food at this point. Even if I don't feel the same urgency as usual, I hate being in this room right now. Pushing the chair out, I get up and put my plate up on the bench for walking towards the door.

"The Flita really are struggling Draino... many of them can't even afford a roof over their heads. They are even going hungry. It's cruel to be treating these vulnerable creatures this way, " she says a bit faster, seeming to be getting upset.

It's weird, crying over a Flita. We are just expendable, after all. Cheap labor they can easily replace. Draino is silent still as he waits for her to continue. Their voices fade and become quieter as I move further away and sit down with my back against the wall in the hallway.

"I know Flita tends to have big families and can multiply quickly, but I'm worried about how many might end up dying this year... surely there's something we can do. Just coming here, I saw a Flita who must have froze to death last night, " she says, wiping away some tears falling down her cheek.

I roll my eyes, wondering what she's getting at. At the same time, it's scary knowing my kind are dying. And here I am in a warm, dry home with food to keep me full.

"Maybe you could take in another Flita? I already have two at home, and they really do tend to do better when there's more than one. They are very social so can get lonely on their own, " she continues with Driano still oddly silent.

I would get it if he was just listening, but how his brow is creased, I can tell he's slightly annoyed. I don't know if she can tell, though. I clench my fists, though, as neither of them both likely care what I might think of feel about this.

"I know all that, Tandry... I found Valor half frozen a few days ago. She had put me down as her guardian on some paperwork without realising it, but I wasn't informed. If I could take in another Flita I would but the vet is already wary of me cause of how Valor was when I took her in" He says his voice softening as though a weight has been lifted.

I look between them feeling angry that Draino for taking as though I've caused so much stress for him. I also feel a sense of dread that other Flita won't have someone to save them if they end up in the same position, which it seems like a lot of them will.

"Oh, that's terrible. Is that why you've been quiet about her? We're you worried about how people might respond about what happened? As long as she's safe now, that's all that matters, really, brother. " Tandry responds calmly, moving over and putting a hand over Drainos shoulder as he leans against her side.

It's silent for a bit as they just sit close to each other. I guess this situation is stressful for them somehow. Like, I know they seem to want Flita in their homes, but if anything, it's just confusing since other Franus hate us Flita.

With the conversation seeminly finished, I sigh and then try  and relax a bit while returning to my spot by the window. Back to being bored for me, I guess... I don't exactly want to go outside to fill time again after how Draino responded last time. Though this time, I'm annoyed too, especially now I know Draino doesn't actually care about me and sees this as a huge big joke.

I can see Tandry looking to me occasionally, but she doesn't approach. I don't want her bothering me, though if im going to talk to her, I want it to be on my own terms. For now, I'll just watch and see what she's like. Though from what I can tell, I don't think I'm going to like her very much.

1136 words

Written: 05 September 2023

Published: 01 October 2023

A rough life for a human pet Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ