Missing pet - Draino pov

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I can tell Valor isn't in a very good mood as she heads off to bed. She was definitely keen to see my sister leave. Tandry has always been a bit much, though.

I remember back a few years ago when she forced a Flita to live with her, ruined his life, then he had to stay... she wanted a pet but didn't want to put in the time to earn a Flitas trust. The Fkita had to stay with her when he lost his job and home while living with her.

I don't blame Valor for not really liking her. She does tend to rub Flita the wrong way...

Though the next morning, I can't believe my shock when I can't find Valor in the home. I expect her to come out and meet me for breakfast like usual, but she doesn't.

Checking her room yields no results, and I soon realise she isn't anywhere inside. I get being upset, but she knows she should be inside at night.

Though my concern really starts to grow as even looking outside, she's nowhere to be seen.

"Valor! Where are you? Come out now, and we can go have some breakfast," I call, but there's no response.

Looking around, I see it, though, the gate is slightly open... did I forget to close it yesterday when Tandry left? No, I'm sure I closed it.

Surely someone wouldn't come and take Valor. They could just go and find a Flita to take in.

She can't have got the security code right... she was there when I put it in, but surely she wasn't upset enough to see it and sneak out last night.

Getting in my vehicle, I head out and get to the Flita shelter. It's a large building, uncomfortably similar to a warehouse that was built just a few months ago. It's dark and dreary, the only time I came here I left quickly realizing I didn't auctually want to adopt a pet that's been in a place like that.

The Flita were in bad shape and didn't really seem to have much will left in them. It's supposed to be a place for them to get help and medical care, but Flita don't do well when locked up in cages.

"Hello, my name is Draino, and I was wondering if you have a young female Flita by the name of Valor here?" I state, feeling a bit nervous as she looks up and sighs.

She points to a sign on the wall looking bored and annoyed.

'All pets must be kept inside the property over winter,' the text says with a picture of a home with a wall around it and a smiling Flita behind it.

I know that... I just want to find her now.

"Would you like to put in a missing pet report? That way, if she's seen or bought in her, you will be notified," she asks a soft smile on her face.

She places out a piece of paper in front of her, and I nod as she passes it to me. Taking it and sitting at a desk, I fill in the mine and Valors details.

Things like what she looks like, how long she's been a pet and even her medical history, and if she has any medical conditions. A note to the side saying that Flita with medical conditions should have a special code engraved into their collar.

At least with a collar, she should be found soon. Any Franus seeing a pet in winter would catch them and try and find who their owner is.

Though I really don't understand why she left... I wasn't mistreating her.

I fill in the paperwork and take them to the staff member who had brushed me off. She takes it and looks it over quickly before placing it in a slot on the wall.

"I hope you find your pet. Hopefully, she won't be one of the ones moved in a body collection..." she mumbles, then walks away.

Heading to my vehicle some news plays, turning it up so I can hear the speaker is discussing issues regarding the Flita.

"The situation continues to worsen in the Flita sector with the death toll rising as many Flita lose their homes. The temperature is the same as previous years, but the lack of shelter is making the situation far more dangerous then the Flita are able to handle" the speaker states in a serious voice as I worried start driving back to my home.

"There have been calls by many high-ranking families to do something to reduce the death toll and overall suffering of the Flita." The man continues

I'm soon home and have another look around the property. Maybe she's realised how hard it is out there and decided to come back. With how dangerous it is out there, I won't even say anything...

"Valor, are you around here somewhere... you can just come inside if you are," I call out, but I don't hear anything, so head inside.

Rubbing my face, I sit down in the lounge and turn my TV on. Though I turn it off quickly as the news shows Flita being carried off, their bodies stiff and pale...

I don't want to see that. I don't want that to be Valors fate. She's been through enough with losing her job and home. I'm supposed to be responsible for her, yet she's now in so much danger, and I can't even help her.

Maybe I should go out looking for her, especially if she doesn't come home soon. Then I can bring her home and make sure she's safe and away from all this danger.

This is such a messy situation. There needs to be something done to help the Flita. I don't agree with making them all pets, but they are suffering so much. There must be some solution where the Flita can get by without suffering or being locked up.

1006 words

Written 28/12/23

Published 31/12/23

A rough life for a human pet Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang