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The Flita are shouting as we stand before the capital building, but no one comes out. It's silent and calm for a while until we see a group of zfranus guards walking our way. They are before us in no time and make their way to the front of our crowd from a side access path.

I grunt as I'm pushed forward onto my knees. My hands are at least tied in front of me, so I don't fall on my face.

"What useless scum you Flita are. Worse than pests, I'd say," One of the Franus guards spits out kicking Felix as he fights against them.

The others chuckle, and then I see a glint of metal. It's an energy weapon pointed at a guy down the line.


Everyone jumps, looking around startled, then spotting the guy lying on the ground, blood pooled around him. One Flita screams in terror and horror at seeing the dead Flita in front of us.


Another gun shot moving down the line, another dead Flita surrounded by blood. The snow stained red around them as it pools around their body.

"Wait! I'm a pet!" I cry out desperately rising to my feet.

One of the guards laughs and comes over looking to push me over. The other Flita looks to me with shock and confusion.

I pull at the scarf around my neck, struggling a bit due to my wrists being tied. Just before the guard hits me, I get it off, though, and the guard looks shocked.

"What the heck is a pet doing here? You should be at your masters home!" The guard sneers, grabbing me by my shirt collar and shoving me aside.

At first, I move to run away, but I'm grabbed by another guard holding my arms so I can't move much. He pulls me in tight against him, and I whimper as I see the gun pointed at another Flita.

"You, Traitor! You were a mole the whole time werent you?" Scarlet yells out as tears form on the edge of my vision.


And she collapses to the ground as another pool of red forms around her. I'm shaking, and some tears spill from my eyes. I try and get out of the guards grip, but he quickly readjusts me.

"I thought you wanted our help, that you wanted to help us..." Melda mutters venom in her voice as though I'm some kind of monster.


I close my eyes, only hearing her body drop, avoiding looking her and the other Flitas' way as I look to the next person in the line.

"You mean to tell me this whole time you've had a place that's warm and dry. That you've had access to food and you still came out here... you still gave that all up like an idio-"


Heth didn't even get to finish, and if it weren't for the guard holding me up, I would already be down on the ground. I can already barely see through my tears, which burn my eyes.

"Take this one to the distribution center with the other Flita. The staff there can figure out who she belongs to and contact the owner. Make a note that if no one comes forward, she should be euthanized," the guard states as he regards me with narrow eyes and then returns a salute with the other guard.

"Understood, sir. I will put her in the truck headed there now!" The guard responds, lowering the salute after the other already has.

I guess he must be in charge...

My legs feel wobbly as I'm forced to walk forward. Looking around, the guard soon finds a rope and ties it to my collar as a leash. Unlike with Draino through he doesn't seem to care if he chokes me as I'm pulled forward.

I see a few Flita tied up and restrained once we get in the truck. Some even have marks from where they must have fought and got a nasty hit or kick back. Many of them scowl at me, though seeing my collar, and one says a word as I'm tied in with them.

"What are you doing here, Pet!" I hear someone mutter under their breath but ignore them.

There's no use getting in a fight here or trying to argue. I know if I hadn't shown my collar, I would have died. They can't kill me as a pet. The closest is being euthanized... but that has to be done by a vet.

I hope Draino is not too mad...

I'm the last to be bought out once we get there. Many are struggling against the Franus, the odd one getting a hit to make them stop.

"Behave and things will improve you silly creature," the guard mutters, pushing them into the building.

Then they come back to me, and I feel nervous as they stand before me with blue hands on their uniformed hips. I have no idea what's going to happen for a moment, but they just end up grabbing the leash and leading me out.

"Got a pet here, not sure how she got mixed up in this mess but if no one claims her the admiral says you have orders to euthanize her" He states pushing me forward down the hall not even bothering to use the leash.

A staff member comes forward and grabs the leash, quickly leading me away to an empty room with just some tools and equipment. I take a seat once she closes the door feeling nervous but glad to be away from the guards.

"Okay, I'm going to scan your collar and see if anything comes up in the system. Have you been on the street for very long?" She asks quickly, I guess she must not have a lot of time.

Looking down without lowering my head, I can see a reddish light moving over the collar. It must have digital information inside. The device makes a quick ding, and she looks over it for a moment.

"Just a few days..." I mumble as she writes some things down on a tablet like the vet did a while back.

It's silent for a moment other than her typing into the device. She looks up every now and then, moving between me and the door before sighing in what must be relief.

"Okay, so I've found your owner. It seems he has put in  a report about you being missing. I'll let him know that you're here, and he can come collect you, " she states, putting the tablet down.

She comes forward, and I step back a bit as she grabs for the leash. I'm led out and into another room, then  pushed into a small section like a cell. She puts some kind of note up and then leaves.

1090 words

Written 6 June 2023

Edited 29 and 31 December 2023

Published 31/12/23

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now