Nearly found

69 4 1

I feel a lot more rested once I rouse from my sleep. It feels cold, and usually, in my own home, I would put a log on the fire... if I had the money to afford it. But this isn't my home, and it's not my place to do so.

Everyone is oddly quiet as they move about. Melda is cooking up some food from the supplies we gathered with Heth cleaning some dishes.

"Well, you must have been tired, Valor. Anyway, there's some food on the bench," Melda states, and I realise it must have been hours that I was asleep.

I didn't used to sleep so soundly. Before living with Draino. A mix of being hungry a lot of the time and being worried about money made me a light sleeper.

It was rare to sleep a full amount...

"Oh, sorry to keep you waiting," I mumble, stretching and rubbing my eyes.

They go back to what they were doing. Heth passing me my meal, a basic dish of bread and some stew. It's nothing like what I got living with Draino, but it's still nice to have a meal to fill and warm my belly.

"It's okay. Scarlet found someone in need of my help, though, so we will be heading out soon," Melda states, and I'm surprised I managed to sleep through both everyone getting and them talking.

I hope it wasn't suspicious... Flita, who aren't pets, definitely don't sleep that deeply. But they don't seem concerned, just focused on what they are going to be doing soon.

I quickly finish, the food having cooled while I was asleep. I take it up to Heth, and he washes it, then puts it away. It's not long till he's finished the rest of the dishes, too.

"Alright, time to go!" Felix declares jumping up from his seat, startling me slightly.

Melda shakes her head and heads over to the box of medical supplies, filling some into a bag. Carrying it in her hand, we follow as she heads to the door.

I shiver as the door opens. There's a nasty wind blowing. It feels like it's suckling out all the heat in my body, but I can't complain. Only a pet would complain.

"She's down here!" Scarlet states, pointing down a street with more warn down buildings.

The snow is really starting to build up... and it seems like no one is putting in any time into clearing it. It's difficult to move through, and I jolt as my feet touch something through the thick snow.

Kicking the snow away, I feel a slight panic as I notice what it is... the group is still moving, though, so I keep moving to follow them. Have the dead really built up this much?

Scarlet dashes inside a calapsed building, and it looks like it hasn't had any repairs in some time. Perhaps the snow built up, and the roof calapsed.

Melda quickly moves between different people, a group of kids, and assess them before providing medical care to each of them.

They are just kids... where are the parents. They can't be more than 10, it's too young to be alone. Even at 13, being alone is hard, and all they have is each other.

"Thanks for helping us miss, we didn't realise this building wasn't safe to stay in" a young girl states, they all have smilies as Melda finishes up with bandaging the injuries.

I can't deal with this it, it's horrible. With my hope being to catch my breath before I start to cry, I head out into the street alarmed as I see a car rapidly approaching.

It's Drainos car...

He pulls to the side, a screeching sound coming from the vehicle as he brakes. I want to dash away as he gets out of the vehicle, an angry look on his face. But I can't, I'm frozen on the spot as he grabs me and carries me to the car.

The back seat door opens, and I'm placed down on the seat, strapped in, and then the door is closed. I pull at the strap and manage to get it loose.

Felix's eyes meet mine as he walks out into he street. He runs to the door, screaming for the others.

"Guys, a Franus is trying to kidnap Valor!" He screams, and everyone comes running over to the vehicle.

They are pulling at the door as Draino sits on the driver's seat. He's not impressed...

"Valor, you are coming home with me. It isn't safe for you out here," Draino snaps, and I gulp seeing the guys trying to get the door open.

I don't want to go with him! Even if it's easier there, I want to help the Flita out here, and I can't just sit by as a pet while my people are suffering.

The key turns right as the door opens, and Scarlet pulls me out just as the car starts to move. It's terrifying getting out of a moving vehicle, but at least I'm not trapped in there anymore. He must have forgotten to lock the door.

We all run as the vehicle keeps going for a bit, then turns down another road. He knows I'm in the Flita sector, and he's going to keep looking for me...

"Through here, we can hide here for a bit while he searches," Heth whispers, and we all push into a doorway, then push the door closed.

There's fear on everyone's faces... they don't understand that he was only taking me cause I'm legally his pet.

"I can't believe one of them would just try and take a Flita like that... it's one thing to try and convince us, but surely they aren't supposed to just snatch us off the street," Melda mumbles, her face looking pale.

Felix and Scarlet look terrified. Scarlet sits on a piece of rubble, and I can see tears falling from her eyes as she silently sobs.

"They can just do whatever they want, can't they?" Melda continues, and everyone nods.

I don't know what to do... this is my fault they are so upset.

"We really should storm the capital building!" Felix snaps with anger, and this time, the others look to him in agreement rather than distain of the idea.

Just great...

1058 words

Written 31/12/23

Published 31/12/23

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now