Last Resort

365 14 12

The next morning, I get up as usual, washing my face and brushing my hair. It's getting long and messy, but the money I was putting aside for a haircut is going to have to go to rent at some point.

I look through my draws, noticing I have a bit of time to spare and see my kitchen scissors. I grab a few hair ties and tie my dark brown hair at the scalp and then again about the length I want it.

Then my hands shake for a moment as I wonder if this is gonna look any good. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, pulling the blades apart. They snap back together, cutting through my hair as it falls to the floor.

Pulling the tie out at the top, I groan at the horrible angle the hair got cut at. Looking up at my clock, I see it's too late to do anything about it. Pulling my hair into the tie again.

Grabbing a slice of bread, I notice it's going stale and make a note to cook something with the remaining slices when I get home. Chewing the slice, I gag slightly at the toughness but force it down as I head over to the door.

I've finished it before I even get through the door. My stomach growls as I shush it just thinking about getting to work. I shiver as the wind howls and threatens to knock me over.

I didn't think winter was here yet. Surely, there were still another few weeks. Pulling my arms in close, I pick up my pace and try and ignore the storm clouds threatening to drop a downpour on me.

Nearly running, I'm out of breath once I get to the gate. The guards stand smugly in their winter coats. One is even hiding away in the booth, avoiding the cold of the wind. He doesn't need to. It won't make him sick or anything.

"Do you have a Franus contact, human?" One of the guards standing outside asks with an annoyed voice.

Thinking I rake my brain, trying to work out a solution to this. Do I have to have one? What if they don't let me work... I won't be able to pay rent or buy food.

"Yes, Draino! He works as a cashier in the human terf..." I say quickly, hoping he won't mind me saying his name.

The man looks down to his papers and a screen before bringing a pen and facing the page my way.

"Alright, just need you to sign this," He says, pointing at a line.

I try and turn the paper over to read what it says, but his finger is in the way. I sigh and quickly sign my name on the line.

"Perfect, I'll put it in your file!" The man says, passing the papers over to the man in the booth.

He scans it, and I hear a beep as it goes into the online system.

"Seems a bit unfair he's expecting her to still work, though," another man says, tapping his fingers against the booth wall.

I look between each of them feeling really confused before the gate is opened. Why would Draino have any say in if I work or not?

"Who knows, maybe he's using it to help her settle in. Not up to us to judge," I hear one of the guards say as I hurry off.

It doesn't take long to get to work and this time I'm not late. I let out a deep breath and took up one of my more preferred stations.

It's a wrapper cutting station. At least here I don't risk burning myself. The guy from yesterday comes in beside me with a look of sorrow on his face. We make eye contact, and he looks like he's about to break down in tears.

"What happened?" I whisper as I push the paper cutter through the roll of paper moving over the table.

I lift it up quickly, being aware of the position of my hand. Even though I might not have to worry about heat, these shears can cut flesh and bone if not careful.

"The baby was born last night," He says, and I can tell by his tone of voice that what is usually a joyish occasion is less so now.

He grabs the cut paper and cuts it down thinner. His hands are shaking, and there are bags under his eyes. He looks terrible. I bring a hand up to his arm for a moment to try and comfort him.

He let's out a shaky breath, and I lower my hand before I mess up the cutting. It won't be straight if I don't use two hands.

"My wife died..." He says, his voice strangled as his throat tightens.

Shock fills me, and I turn to face him.

"She's a beautiful little girl, but I don't know what to do," He says, running his hand through his hair.

I go quiet for a moment, not knowing of an answer either. He will need to come to work and she'll need a mother to look after her.

"She's with my sister today, but I can't keep expecting that of her." I jump slightly as his fist hits the ground again as his voice wavers and trembles.

I turn back to my work, feeling slightly intimated and not knowing what to say. He has to figure this out for himself, I can't solve this problem.

"I might have to sell her..." He mumbles to my shock.

I stare down at the cutting bench, acting automatically, wondering who would want to buy a baby Flita. No Flita could offer any decent amount of money.

"To who?" Another person at the nearby workstation asks, speaking in a voice that's a bit louder than we are supposed to.

I look up and around, but the supervisor doesn't seem to have noticed or just hasn't responded. I hate others getting me in trouble with their risky behavior.

"A Franus couple approached me this morning, the women was looking after my wife during her pregnancy." I scrunch up my face as I continue to work feeling like I'm going to mess up my timing as he talks.

The guy leans over to us, making me slightly worried he's gonna get himself hurt. I'm not sure how, but he's managing to keep up with his workload.

"Why would they want her, though?" He asks before finally turning back and focusing on his work as a supervisor comes over.

"They said it's easier to raise a baby than take in an adult..." He mumbles as I try and block out the conversation, not wanting anything to do with that situation.

I manage to get through the rest of the shift in peace, and I'm glad that the guy has gone quiet. I finish up and head to collect my pay. It's the same low amount, but rent is due in the morning, so hopefully, I'll have enough.

Walking home is slower than on the way, but I don't mind looking forward to the meal I might be gonna make. I don't have a lot, but having to use up supplies like this is always fun.

I grab the tin of beans and pour them into a pot, I should have enough for some breakfast, too. Smiling, I rip up the bread and drop them too in the pot. It's nice to have something hot even if it doesn't have a lot in it.

My mouth salvating, I sit down at the table with a bowl and dig in with my fork. It doesn't last long with how quickly I eat, but at least I can go to bed with a full stomach.

Written 11 October 2022

Published 18 February 2023

Edited 01 Jan 2024

1304 words

A rough life for a human pet Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang