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The first thing I do when we get outside is to try and run.

"Don't you dare, Valor" Draino says sternly as he grabs my shoulder.

I frown and feel my body tugged back slightly. I pause and sigh waiting for something to happen as he stands behind me.

It's sunny out, the sunlight shining against the bright white snow. A weird mix of weather causes me to squint slightly with the glare.

I shiver slightly as another cold breeze blows past. The snow nearly reaching my knees.

He starts walking leading me with his hand on my shoulder. I huff and follow as I see his car in the distance. I would rather find my own place.

He opens the back and I avoid looking at him as I slide in. It's warm in here as usual and I relax slightly as he gets in and sits in the driver's seat.

The car starts once I've got my belt on and Draino looks back at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks and I furrow my brow in confusion.

"About what?" I ask watching his expression.

I watch as he grabs something from the front passenger seat. He brings his hand out and I see a nutrition bar.

"Here, the vet said you need to regain some weight" He says absent-mindedly as he looks out the window.

I take it and place it down on my lap feeling my stomach tangled up in knots. None of this makes sense.

"Vet?" I ask seeing him eye in me in the rear view mirror.

He sighs and pulls out from the spot he had parked in. It's silent for a few minutes as he looks to me occasionally.

"As I said you were half frozen when I found you. I had to get you to a vet to make sure there wasn't anything else going on" He says with a mix of sadness and disappointment.

I look down at the bar in my lap moving about feeling uncomfortable. The bracelet is gone and I can feel the strange collar on my neck. I don't want to be a pet...

"But why would you help me?" I mumble feeling so confused as we enter to Franus area of the city.

He frowns and it's silent for a moment as I watch him drive.

"For one because I care about you and because you put me down as your guardian." He says sounding annoyed.

The car stops and I go to open the door but it doesn't budge. He's watching me in the mirror and I realise its locked.

"Are you going to run?" He asks and I snap my neck over to look at him.

I don't understand why he's being so stern now. In the few times I've been in his vehicle he's never locked the door.

"Why does it matter if I run, just take this stupid collar off and I'll figure something out" I say through gritted teeth.

He let's out a groan and I see his hand come up to rub his face. He seems tired, like he didn't sleep at all last night. There are even some shadows under his eyes.

"Look I know you don't want this but I'm responsible for you now. If you get sick... or worse I'll be held to account." He says in a stressed tone as he opens his door.

He gets out and shuts his door and for a moment I'm alone in the car. The interior is dark and it's oddly tidy with nothing lying around.

My door opens beside me and I look up to Draino as he gestures for me to come out. I ignore his hand as I stand and shuffle out of the car to settle my feet on the ground.

Looking around I see a high fence around a small grassy area. It's higher then I could climb with no lower areas I can see. There's also nothing close enough to it that I could climb onto first.

"Valor do you think I'm going to hurt you or something. You look like you want to climb the walls" He says with a light tone.

His expression is serious though and I look away from the wall. I follow him as he walks forward scratching at the spot where the collar meets my skin.

I hate it already and my fingers feel around for some kind of latch. I find one but there's a key hole and I don't have the key.

The door to the modest building opens and I hesitate at the entrance before the cold helps me make my mind. Being inside and out of the cold would be nice.

"Man, they really did mess up didn't they. Are they really wanting all the Flita to die" I hear him mumble as we walk into a lounge.

He collapses into a chair and I stand back near the door. I feel nervous being trapped here in this house with what feels like a noose around my neck.

I don't think he was talking to me so I don't respond. He rubs his face again and grabs a bottle. Taking out a pill he pops it in his mouth and swallows.

His eyes connect with mine and I shuffle about. He seems to be thinking, and his eyes narrow slightly, seeing my hand touching the collar.

"Feel free to wander, just don't damage anything or try and escape. It's too dangerous with it being so cold, you can go further once spring comes" He says waving me off as though he doesn't want me around.

He doesn't seem angry though as I go back through the hall. I look back one more time to see him dozing off. I guess he must really be tired.

Looking around I see various art, some of Franus and even some with Flita. They are smiling their warm coloured skin contrasting with the cool blue tones of the Franus.

Are these his family members? Some of the Flita don't even seem to have collars which is weird.

1022 words

Written: 3 December 2022

Published: 8 April 2023

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now