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At first, I think to wander the inside of the building but find myself heading back to the front door. I can reach the handle, so open it and make my way outside.

It's cold as I head over to the fence where I see some sad plants. I guess they don't like the winter either. But I know once spring comes, their leaves will come back, and flowers will bloom.

Spring, a whole season away, and the amount of time I'm supposed to stay here. It's too cold out there he says, which makes me huff.

I bring my hand up to the collar and feel over where the lock is. It's strange having this thing on my neck. It makes me feel weak and vulnerable, a reminder that I haven't been able to look after myself.

I follow the edge of the fence, a hand running along the cool stone as I walk beside it. I guess I'm looking for some kind of lower spot. But with this collar, I'll be bought right back here.

I pull my hand away as the stone starts, making the tips of my fingers feel much too cold. I've been around the perimeter, and there's no lower sections. There's some areas with more plants, but they wouldn't hold my weight.

Anything out here is too heavy for me to carry. Some large wooden boxes that I can't even get off the ground. Even the lids are secured too tightly for me to see inside.

I look back to the house. Earlier, I thought it modest, and I suppose it is in comparison to the other places around this part of town.

It's still luxurious, though, a mansion compared to the previous tiny space I lived in. A two storied structure with large windows and an older farm style. The walls are a warm white with purple acents.

I fall to my knees as I stare up at the sky. It's oddly quiet. The birds have left for warmer weather. At least they can be free to go where they want.

I turn and scowl at the outer wall, bringing my hand up and pulling the middle finger at it. It feels silly and dramatic but oddly nice.

I don't hate Draino, I would be dead without him. I do hate this situation, however. The fact is I'm stuck here with him within the confins of this walled space.

It feels suffocating!

A sob makes it way through my lips as sadness fills me. Before long, I'm crying, tears streaking down my cheeks and onto my knees.

I bite my fist to stop from crying out. I don't want to be ushered back inside or coddled over. He might think something is wrong if he sees me like this.

It's when my legs start to hurt from the cold that I stand back up. They feel stiff, and taking a step is a bit of a struggle, but I make my way towards the building entrance.

I take in a deep breath as I see Draino leaning against the door frame. My head is low in an attempt to hide my tears.

"Come on in, lunch is in the lounge," He says calmly, looking at me with concern.

I hate it, I don't want his concern.

I wipe at my eyes as I walk ahead, hoping to hide the evidence of my emotional outburst. He already thinks I'm weak since I have to live here now, since I'm his pet.

I let him move in front of me once I feel the tears are gone. If he notices them, he doesn't comment at least.

I follow him as we head into a room with a dining table and chairs. On the wall, there are various random paintings. I don't recognize the locations, so they must be foreign lands.

To the side, there's a smaller table with a plate on it. Right, I'm a pet, I don't eat at the main table.

I head over to the spot with the plate and take a seat on the cushion. I feel even smaller on the ground and don't dare to look over to Draino.

He comes over as I keep my eyes steady downcast. It's not that I'm scared or feel inferior, I don't want to look up at his larger form.

"Here, I know you love tomatoes, so I managed to scrounge one up for you." He says as he places a sandwich down on my plate.

I scowl as my stomach growls. It looks and smells so tasty that I can't help but try and eat it as fast as I can. By the time it's gone, I can't help but hate myself.

Yet another reason I'm here. I can't feed myself and need him to provide me food. I can't even do the bare basics.

"Thanks," I mutter quietly, not sure if he heard me at first.

He moves away, and I see him take a spot close to me at the main table. He ignores me as he eats, and I can't help but lick my fingers to get the extra flavor from the juices and sauce.

"All good, let me know if you need anything," He says casually as he eats his own sandwich at a much more leisurely pace.

He's reading something, a newspaper? On the front, I see an image of a group of Flita curled up together on the street. The text is too far away to make out the title, so I can't tell the context, but Draino is looking at the page he's on with a frown.

He places the paper down with a huff, and I can't help but back up as he heads over. He grabs the plate, flashing me a quick smile, and I raise an eyebrow.

He takes his plate and mine into another room, which I'm guessing is the kitchen as I move to stand. It's warm in here, and I see some heater like thing up on the wall with its vent open.

At least I don't have to worry about freezing anymore now. I can't even feel a draft in this place.

1028 words

Written 04 December 2022

Published 15 April 2023

A rough life for a human pet Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang