Cleaning up

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"I never understood why the Flita sector was never hooked up to the electric grid." Draino says randomly as he sits down on a couch.

I look over at him from standing near the heater. It's nice and warm, and I have to admit that while I hate being trapped here, it's better than freezing. The air gently blows onto my arms as I stand under the unit up on the wall.

"It was too expensive to set up, and we wouldn't have been able to afford to run it anyway," I reply, shrugging as I give the reasons my parents told me as a child.

I haven't seen my parents in years. Not that it mattered once I left school and got a job. As soon as I was able to get one, I started applying around the local businesses. Being alone is expensive, so it's always been my go-to.

My mind lingering on things leaves an odd feeling in my mind. Like this is all wrong, being warm and safe. When so much of my life has been a struggle just to survive.

"Oh, Valor, would you like me to run you a bath?" Draino asks suddenly as the sound of music returns as I notice his question.

It's a nice kind of tune, not really something a Flita would write but still enjoyable to listen to. It's softer with a rhythm we don't use.

"A cloth and some warm water will be fine, I usually just wipe myself down before bed each night," I mumble as I take in some of the paintings I had only glanced at before.

A mix of portraits of both Flita and Franus people. The Franus look similar to Draino, so it must be his family.

I look up to walls again, seeing the Flita alongside what must be Drainos family. I guess his family likes to keep my kind as pets.

"Oh Draino, why did you help me..." I murmer not understanding why he would bother.

I stare at the painting for a while, not sure what to make of them. Is it a good thing or not, I guess only time will tell.

"You did put me down as your guardian. Besides, my family often open our homes to Flita in need of somewhere to stay. Though the last few generations that's had to be with you guys as pets, " a voice comes from behind me, and I spin around to see Draino looking towards the paintings too.

He looks back down to me, and I shrug my shoulders. He talks as though humans could be friends or just housemates of Franus. The only thing they see as is a nuisance, cheap labour, or pets.

"Anyway, the baths ready if you want one, the bathroom is just down the hall," Draino says, suddenly breaking the silence that's built between us.

I sigh and head off anyway, casually walking out the lounge and down the hall. Seeing an open door, I take a look inside, seeing a fancy bathroom. Nice clean tiles, a big mirror, and a huge tub. There's even a shower in the corner of the room.

I head over to the toilet and do my business for a moment, watching the steam coming up from the bath. It's been so long since I've been able to bathe properly it just makes this situation even stranger. To get hot water like this, I would have had to boil it by hand since we don't have an electric system to heat it.

I eventually get up and strip off my clothes, feeling slightly cold before moving to head into the water. Then my fingers move over the collar, and I can't help but scowl. This stupid thing around my neck I keep forgetting is here.

I pull and tug at the clasp without luck. I look through some draws but can't find anything useful in there either. Some of the draws won't even open, and the ones I can only have things like faceclothes in them, nothing even close to being sharp.

"Are you alright, Valor?" I hear as the door opens quietly.

I freeze standing naked in a Franus bathroom as he walks inside like he owns the place. We'll, I guess he does.

"Out! Get out!" I scream suddenly, coming to my senses and feeling anger and embarrassment fill me.

He shuts the door behind him and watches me calmly. He's keeping his eyes upwards, but I move to cover myself anyway. I've never heard of Franus doing anything with humans, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were undressed. Did you need anything while I'm in here?" Draino says says his eyes on my face.

I move about awkwardly before deciding to ask him for the thing I was looking for anyway.

"Um, can I have the collar off while I bathe. I want to wash my neck too, " I say hesitantly, hating that he's just standing there like it's nothing.

"Oh, and then I want you to leave!" I continue seeing him knod and walk over to me.

I'm tense as I stand completely naked as he approaches me, reaching for my neck. It's quiet as he touches the collar and manages to make it come undone with a simple tap to the lock.

"This has to go back on once you've come back out. You won't be able to get it off on your own. It's synced to my fingerprint. " He takes the collar, and I relax as I see him head towards the door.

It closes, and I look back over to the tub. The water isn't steaming as much as before, so it mustn't be as hot, but even warm water is nice.

I head over quickly and sigh at how nice the water feels as I dip my foot in. Then my legs and finally my body up to my chest. There's a cloth to the side which I grab and rub over my body. I push on some kind of button on the wall and some liquid squirts out from a nossle above.

I rub it between my fingers, seeing it lather up before running it over my skin. It makes the water a bit dirty, but I know I keep myself clean as best I can. The last is my hair, which I run it through lathering it up and then ducking my head under.

I relax for a bit as the water cools and then decide to get out as my fingers start to wrinkle. I move to grab my old clothes but instead see a different but similar looking outfit where my old one was.

It's the same kind of design but new and undamaged, like as though the garment was replaced with the one I bought years ago. I shrug and quickly pull it on after drying myself off.

I yawn and head out of the bathroom, seeing Draino sitting in the lounge reading a book. He looks up to the doorway as he sees me standing there.

"So, where am I going to sleep? It's not going to be outside or something right. " I chuckle slightly but stop as Draino raises his eyebrow with narrowed lips.

I take a step back as he gets up, realising he hasn't gotten my joke. Though I really would rather not have to sleep outside with how much snow must have built up by now.

1250 words

Written January 8th 2023

Published April 23 2023

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now