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I quickly follow Draino over to his car. I've never been inside even after his countless offers for rides. Even when I was soaked last year, I still made my own way home.

But I feel so tired and worn down today. I just want to get home safely. I at least have until rent is due again to try and make some money. Surely someone will hire me?

I'm silent as I sit in the back seat, feeling small and like a child as I buckle myself up. Why do they have to be bigger then us, and why can't they just be nice. I guess at least Drainos never been mean to me.

"Where do you want me to drop you off, I can take you right outside your home if you like?" I hear him say and hesitate before answering.

At first, I consider saying my actual address, but then he'll know where I live. As nice as he seems, is it really safe to do that? I shake my head and smile up at him.

"Corner of Eta road and Fran street will be close enough, thanks," I say, knowing it's far enough away that he won't be able to notice when I sneak inside the apartment.

He seems a bit disappointed but pulls out to drive anyway. It's oddly silent between us as he drives, glancing back at me every few minutes to see if I'm okay.

It's much warmer in here compared to outside, and it's so nice to have some heating on. I almost start feeling sleepy.

Then my stomach growls, and my face fills with a blush. Draino chuckles and something is thrown my way.

"Did you forget to eat earlier or something? You haven't been to the shop in a while..." Draino says, growing more serious towards the end.

I look to the object in my lap and see it's another one of those energy bars. I feel nervous as I fiddle with it in my hands. I don't have any money on me and the money I have has to go to rent.

"I'm good, just been using up some older stuff that's gonna go bad soon, you know?" I mumble hearing him sigh.

He seems concerned from the look I can see from the rear view mirror but doesn't question me when I don't start eating. He soon pulls over, and I place the bar in the netting on the back of the front passenger seat. I can't accept any more stuff from him.

I wave as I head out and walk away from his car as he waves back.

"If you need anything, let me know. Just come by the shop, alright!" Draino calls over as he pulls out onto the road.

I let out a deep breath as his car disappeares around the corner. The first thing I do when I get inside is count my money. Even putting all of my coins together there is still not enough to pay for rent.

I need to go job searching tomorrow. The sooner I get a job, the better. I dont even bother going to bed. I just sit up with my grumbling stomach and think of places to apply to.

I have factory experience, so maybe a clothes factory. There are at least two in the area. Or maybe food related again with prepackaged meals or a restaurant job.

Wait, no, I can't work in a place that serves the Franus directly, that's never been aloud. Maybe the port sorting materials to see if any are valuable. Surely someone would want a Flita like me to do a job like that. Or would they rather not risk stuff getting stolen?

My eyes burn as I figure out a route to get around all the places in a day. It's gonna be a lot of walking, hard with how cold it's been, but I need the money.

First I'll go to the port, that's surprisingly close now that I think about it. Then I'll go to the clothing factories and see if they are open to accepting any new Flita. After that, it's the fish processing plant.

It will take the whole day, but at least one should take me.

I lean back in my chair and move to stand up. I stumble slightly as I feel dizzy but manage to balance myself. Maybe I should have eaten the bar Draino offered me?

I shake my head. I can do this on my own, I don't need his help.

I head over to my makeshift wardrobe, really more a hole in the wall that can hold a few hangers. Looking through my clothes I see at least one decent looking outfit.

It's mostly clean and has only a single hole in it. A pretty dress and leggings. Blue with pale pink flowers as a pattern. A cherished item of mine that I've had since I found the last job.

I hold it close to me and breath in it's smell. It has a lovely scent of raspberries from when I used to be able to afford to wear perfume sometimes.

Placing my hand in the pocket I grab the tiny bottle firmly and pull it out. It's empty as it has been for ages now but I still try and give it a spray. Nothing comes out but empty air but I still give the air a sniff.

It just smells of sweat and worn down wood. I usually don't try and focus on it's so it, catches me off guard a bit. I stumble slightly grabbing the wall beside me to balance.

Once the dizziness wears off I place the dress and stockings alongside a pair of nice shoes by my bed. They will be ready for me when I get ready in a few hours. In the meantime, I grab one of my really old and worn down books and try and read a few pages.

It's too dark tho, though, in this dim room so I place it back where I usually sits in place on the edge of the bed till I hear the birds cherp and light come in through my window. I'm shivering from the cold but I know it will be worse outside.

I quickly pull on my dress and head outside to start my search. Maybe even start today if I'm lucky enough.

1076 words

Written 03/11/22

Published 11 March 2023

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now