44. Wingman and Bird Girl

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Rein gasped, "What?"

"This must be a mistake," Christian shook his head. "He can't possibly be here."

"That most definitely says Alberta," Nico pointed out, leaning forward to catch a glimpse of the smoke twirling over the area where we are. I've never seen Baze locate someone before and didn't know how accurate it can or can't be.

"Maybe..." Veronica blew out an exasperated breath. "Maybe, our venom threw it off and located us instead?"

"Possibly," Sebastian frowned at the smoke.

Quickly looking away, I wanted to slap myself in order to stop mentally drooling at all the pheromones that radiated from him. Ever since he snatched his shirt off to give it to me, I couldn't stop thinking about wanting to see his body again. The feeling only got worse now that I know what's underneath the new sweater he had put on before we got here.

Seeing his wide shoulders, tattooed arms and the shadow of his abs underneath the white shirt he wore right infront of me and not through a small car mirror was more mesmerizing.

I'd pay to see that again...

"I... It doesn't work that way," Baze paused, lowering the shot glass like cup filled with their blood. "I pictured Jonah, not you guys," her golden stare moved from Sebastian to Veronica.

"You want to try again?" Alyxzander asked, bending down to stroke her hair. I'm still getting used to his hair cut, but it wasn't enough of a distraction to stop me from gawking at her uncle. Sebastian would look at me often and it was so hard not to return his gaze when I'm sure the only reason why it's on me is because he's making sure my wings are out of sight.

"I can, but if it says he's here again..." Baze trailed off, her facial expression is a mix of confusion and surprise.

Crossing my arms the best way I could with the long sleeves dangling off my wrists, I asked, "Do you think it's saying here because of what happened in the woods?"

"In her vision he died a few miles away from her family home," Sebastian informed those who weren't aware.

Our eyes met when I said, "If we are going to check we have to lay low. Our house catching on fire with a decapitated body inside didn't exactly leave it to where we can come and go as we please."

"We can check the area. Maybe he was buried there." Veronica took a sip of the wine that took her brother half an hour to allow her to drink. It's not like she can get drunk and even if she could, scouting for the body of her oldest dead brother is a big enough reason to allow her to have at least one bottle.

Rein motioned for her to hand the bottle to her so she can get a swig.

"If I try again and it says that he's here, we can go searching, I guess." Baze straightened up in her spot on the concrete, preparing for a do over.

Christian appeared to my right, his eyes shining as he looked down at me. "Maybe when she's done, Baze can help find your alleged wings."

I smirked, eyes on my baby sister.

Oh you'll see, just wait!

The Return (Sequel to Different Kind of Blood) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora