2. Who Turned Him?

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Four months ago...

I heard a knock at my front door and frowned. With my eyes closed, I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and squinted at the brightness of it to check the time.

10:42 pm

"Who could that be?" I looked at Sofia, of course not expecting her to answer, but she did "meow".

The towel was off my head and my hair was thrown into a bun as I made my way downstairs in my fluffy pajamas. When I got to my front door, I glanced at Sofia at the top of the stairs before looking through the peephole.

A guy was patiently waiting for me to open the door with something in his hands. A very familiar guy.


Opening the door, I smiled at him, "Hey, what brings you here?"

How did he know where I live?

"Hey, Baze!" He grinned at me. "How are you?"

Kenneth was looking at my pajamas with humor and I chuckled.

"Comfortable," I noticed the thing he was holding was my wallet and my eyes widened.

"Yea," He held it up and laughed. "You forgot it at work."

I face palmed and sighed in relief, "Thank you so much! I didn't realize I forgot it!" My address was on my ID. Thankfully he found and returned it.

"No problem, I'm glad I found it before someone else did."

Nodding, awkwardly, I thanked him again and was trying to figure out a way to end the conversation so I can go back and finish my reruns of Degrassi when he asked, "Hey, do you have any plans for Saturday? I saw on the schedule that you were off." There was a hopeful look on his petite face.

I placed my wallet down on the small table by the door near the coat rack. It was obvious that he was about to ask me out and a sunken feeling settled in my chest. Saturday, I planned on spending some time with Cassie before studying with Ophelia and James later. We took similar classes and would help share notes all the time given Ophelia would color code every single detail then write small notes next to her notes just in case she forgot the alternative meaning behind what the teacher said.

I was so thankful to have had those plans beforehand because I didn't want to lie to him if my Saturday was in fact free.

I smiled with confidence, "I have plans with a couple friends that day."

"Oh, that's too bad." Kenneth genuinely looked disappointed and said, "I have 2 tickets to see the newest horror movie and thought you could come with? The second ticket I got for free."

I gritted my teeth, the plans were concrete and I didn't want to bail on Cassie or Ophelia and James when we had tests coming up. Plus, I can't afford my grade getting lower than a B if I didn't pass this test in Professor Phillip's class.

"I'm sorry," I gave him an apologetic look "Maybe you could ask Sara?" Sara was a co-worker of ours who had a little crush on Kenneth, but he never seemed to acknowledge her even with all her flirtatious gestures.

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