1. Seattle

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AN: This is the first chapter to the second book of Different Kind of Blood! You can read this book without the first, but I'd recommend reading Different Kind of Blood to avoid some confusion. Remember, it is solemnly up to you!

Enjoy -B



These past two weeks getting to know Sebastian was something else. He did his part in watching over me, thankfully not standing around like a personal bodyguard as he chose to keep his distance. His presence wasn't made aware to the Council as it had nothing to do with them since vampires aren't a part of our jurisdiction per say. Troy didn't mind him being near as he knew he wasn't a threat to us.

On the first day of Sebastian watching me, I did take note of how a good amount of the girls were checking him out. Some of the guys seemed intrigued by him, never really coming face to face with a vampire before.

"Damn, dude." Brody eyed Sebastian after we entered the hotel, "You're really tall."

Sebastian slowly looked down at him, his expression bored.

Brody and I were practically the same height, I'm pretty tall for a girl. For him... not so much for a guy.

"Really?" Sebastian glanced at the security guard by the front desk, scrutinizing him and his weapons. "I haven't noticed."

Brody didn't respond, he just scratched his head in an awkward manner and walked away.

Troy sent us to Seattle as we had to renew our certificates to be able to use the chemicals in most if not all our weapons. It was important for us to master the quiz and the physical part since we deal with deadly substances, tranquilizers and other uses of defense against Lycans or any other being that could hurt us. It sucked because I'm still relatively new so he was up my ass about me passing. Everyone else has been a hunter much longer so he wasn't stressing them like he was with me.

I rolled my eyes as he kissed his fiancée on the cheek.

Troy chose this hotel so we could be close to Destiny's law firm. It's good that she's a lawyer and in favor with the detectives we sometimes work with. There's been more "animal" attacks in the Appalachian mountains and because of the situation back home with Baze's missing case I had to lay low. There was no guarantee that they were Lycan related based on the large amount that were in Canada, but that doesn't rule them out being number one suspects completely.

My situation was brought to Troy's attention by Sebastian. He mentioned that his niece's disappearance caused somewhat of an investigation on me and my whereabouts due to the fact that my parents adopted her. Troy took the news well and was very understanding as to why he was there just in case something were to go down that required some mind control. He knew what Baze had become and that was the true reason why she went "missing".

After waiting patiently in the lobby for our keys, we all went to our respective rooms. I'm not a fan of Seattle, especially today because of the heavy rain, but our headquarters is here so I had no choice. It was either here or the other one in Chicago.

When I laid my suitcase down on my bed, I made my way over to the balcony to look at the city below. Thanks to Sebastian who insisted on paying for my room, I was the only one that got a 2 bedroom and balcony suite. It was really nice of him, but so unnecessary. Me being a hunter meant I got paid on the regular along with bonuses after a completed mission.

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