38. Doomed!

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Allie and Sebastian got back earlier than planned because the threat in the Appalachians was taken care of. My vampire family was able to help keep the people safe over there, they were now able to hike without the fear of getting mauled by a wendigo.

I tried not to feel a certain way at the surprised look on Allie's face when she saw my stomach when we were about to hug. The last time she saw me I wasn't as round as I am now. Sebastian didn't really seem that surprised when he greeted Alyx and I at the door, he glanced at my belly with a small ounce of happiness in his light eyes.

With everything being sorted out and my sister able to help me decorate the lakehouse for the engagement party, I felt happy. I didn't know what colors, flowers or food I wanted there and Alyx was no help when he kept insisting that it was up to me. The only thing he made clear was that I wouldn't have control over what food is going to be served.

"I highly doubt everyone else would find broccoli dipped in honey delicious," he had said on the car ride here.

At least he didn't tease me about the comet, again.

"They told everyone on the news that the bear was caught," Allie rolled her eyes after we hugged. Of course they had to lie in order to keep people from going insane at knowing a supernatural spirit was the cause and that those who attacked were the infected victims who could infect others with one scratch, bite or a drop of blood.

I frowned at the earmuffs she had on. My body didn't register the cold in my black and white striped dress. Alyx wasn't bothered by it either when he changed into cargo pants and a black shirt before we left the house. It reminded me of my new way of life being much different from hers and the fact that it's October. The temperature is usually really cold!

"Sebastian forced me to wear them," he narrowed his eyes on her when she said his name.

"You need to take care of your ears," he told her before looking at me. "She has a tear in both of her eardrums," I gasped. "The doctor suggested keeping them dry to avoid infection and the possibility of her becoming deaf if they don't heal properly."

"I could always just get surgery," Allie sucked in a breath.

"How long until they heal?" I asked, hoping one of them knew the answer.

"A few weeks to a few months so take care of them," he told her sternly.

"They have been arguing like a married couple," Veronica giggled. Her remark made me join in on her laughter when Allie looked down at the ground with a blush.

Sebastian responded with, "The only married couple that seems to be here is you and that bottle of Cabernet." Veronica started to protest when he snatched the half empty Cabernet from her. Her reasons for drinking heavily made me think about the other reason why I wanted to come here to speak to them. It's only the 5 of us here, the girls were out while Piero and Vivian took a trip to celebrate their anniversary. The single guys went to the night club Christian told them about back in Portugal.

My heart started to race as I watched Veronica try to grab the bottle back from her brother. Sebastian had just held it up with one arm out of her reach and a firm hand on her shoulder to prevent her from jumping to get it.

The Return (Sequel to Different Kind of Blood) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora