17. No Time To Be Amorous

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"I need more blood," Baze spoke dryly, making her way to our back door with her empty glass in hand.

Turning to Christian, I glared daggers at him for saying the most insensitive thing to my niece. Not only did he insinuate that she is big when she isn't, but he had the audacity to say it to her face.

"You take the cake for being an insensitive dick," I told him.

"And you wonder why he--" Aliyah pointed to her sister's mate "--refused you to be the Godfather." Christian looked down in shame at the fierce look in her stare, the weapons she had in her box made her look all the more threatening.

"I'm glad you understand that it won't be safe for her," Alyxzander decided to be the nice one here and pointed out the only good thing his words hinted at.

"Do you realize that it is dangerous for you?" V asked Aliyah, obvious worry on her face.

I didn't want Aliyah to come along, but a part of me didn't want to be separated from her just in case she were to get hurt. The idea of not having Aliyah at my side when anything can happen made me feel strange. For the past 2 weeks we have been in each other's presence, her annoyingly being in my face had grown on me. My promise to keep her safe to Baze still stood its ground and I didn't plan on breaking it anytime soon.

Baze is in no condition to make sure Aliyah was safe at all times and Alyxzander has his head shoved so far up her skirt that he wouldn't notice if something were to happen to Aliyah. If I wasn't there to shield her from getting barbecued by the coolant of her Bronco, Aliyah would be suffering with burns since she carelessly opened the cap without thinking how hot it could be and assumed I stopped her because she was female.

Naïve little human.

"Are you sure about this?"

She didn't meet my eyes when she answered, "Yes."

The only reason why she is volunteering is because she feels guilty for becoming a hunter and leaving Baze alone for the past year. It's... considerate of her, but inconsiderate as she's not thinking about how dangerous her coming along could potentially be.

Not to mention that someone knows about the Ginkgo.

I frowned, wondering who could have known about something that took us a month to find out? If it wasn't for the young witch in the sun room, none of us would have known what the herb could do to Baze. Her blood was turned into ashes when it remained on the crushed leaves of it. There's no telling what could happen if someone injected a small amount of the liquid version into her from Aliyah's box.

"I'm glad she's consuming blood," Alyxzander sighed in relief. While he spoke, I eyed Aliyah from her place on the concrete platform outside. "She needs to be at her strongest just in case another attack from Kenneth were to happen."

Aliyah peered up at me, a very feminine blush appeared on the curves of her cheeks, right above the area where I knew her dimples showed if she were to smile.

Nodding to his words, I said, "Good thing your pack already knows she's pregnant. They should be understanding as to why she will be under house arrest."

The Return (Sequel to Different Kind of Blood) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now