20. Evora

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After wishing Allie, Sebastian and Christian well on their trip, Alyx and I went back home. We had to get through this weekend before finding out the gender of the baby. It was a nice distraction to keep me from worrying about my sister and my stupidity.

"I just want to get this weekend over with," I grumbled in the passenger seat. They will be gone for the next week and it helps that Kenneth is dead, but I couldn't help feeling remorseful. Sebastian and I killed him just for him to be turned then go through death all over again.

A beheading of all deaths! What is this? Medieval times?

"Eager to know the gender as well?" Alyx smiled, his warm hand on my thigh.

"I kind of want it to be a surprise," I admitted. He didn't sense my irritability for my spell and concern for their trip in my tone.

"Really?" Alyx turned the steering wheel, the truck made its way onto the familiar dirt roads. "We can wait until he or she is born."

I didn't respond and Alyx spared me a look with concern. Finding out the gender would be nice, but so many things prevented me from being excited by it. Not only did I have the nightmare again last night, it ended with the same boy consuming the ghost of the wolf. It was frustrating to not know what it signifies. I've been feeding on blood and could remember every detail of my dreams and visions more clearly now.

Alyx pulled over then put the truck in park. "Baze," he sighed.

I was still looking out the window as if the trees were still rushing by. Him stopping the truck didn't annoy me, whenever we got in the car I always felt queasy so it was nice to not feel us moving while my stomach felt left behind.

Alyx turned to me, "Please don't keep things from me."

"I'm not--"

"You aren't the only one that can hear when someone's lying," his eyes were on my chest where my heart is. "What's wrong?"

I just laid my head on the headrest, biting my lip, thoughtfully. Telling him that Allie and I are linked wasn't an option, but he might be able to answer my dream. It would be nice to have the meaning revealed to me.

Taking a deep breath, I met his hazel green eyes.

"Remember that nightmare I had?" He nodded and asked if it happened again in which I answered, "Yes."

"Are you ready to tell me the different ending?"

He gave me a weary expression, nervous to make me upset. Alyx has been treating me like a vase, scared that I'd shatter if someone hit a nerve.

"I keep seeing this man," I frowned and corrected myself with a shake of my head. "Boy."


"He comes from the woods as if searching for the... wolf." The clear image of the electric blue eyes of the wolf in the forest appeared in my mind, the look of readiness in the boy's eyes as if the beast was exactly what he needed. What he was searching for confused me as to why he looked happy to see it and prepared himself to be--what looked like a possession to be taken place as the wolf fades into his chest like a spirit rather than colliding as a solid form.

The Return (Sequel to Different Kind of Blood) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now