3. Three Birds, One Stone

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It's been a while since the vampires left to go look for the rest of the fighters while we waited. I was getting more and more worried and by the way Maggi fidgeted told me I wasn't the only one.

Allie had taken a seat at the kitchen island with me in silence. It seemed like she had gotten used to Sebastian being around although the energy between them felt intense. I would notice how every phone call I had with him I could feel the tension just in the way they spoke to each other. It made me question the vision I had as it couldn't have happened already. I know Allie. When she likes someone or is attracted to them she will play hard to get, but eventually she'll give in.

This was not her being hard to get.

As far as Sebastian, I've only known him for a month. For him to admit that he only turned Veronica in his lifetime surprised me. I assumed vampires would want as many of their kind and would create one every now and then.

"Why didn't you help? Why are y'all here?" Allie questioned, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I looked at her, not really knowing how to answer. She's my sister, she'll know if I'm lying or not.

Pulling out Alyx's phone, I was just going to show her the ultrasound on his home screen. At the time of the ultrasound, the baby wasn't fully visible, but you could see the outline of the head and torso.

Seeing my baby gave me the strongest feeling of love and happiness that I didn't blame Alyx for making this picture his home screen if it made him react the same way or alike.

Allie zeroed in on the ring on my finger, her face stretched into a smile as she grabbed my hand to inspect the beautiful ring Alyx gave me. "That's beautiful!"

I bit my lip in response to her smug smile, then placed the phone in front of her.

Her face fell as she tried to process what she was looking at, her brows furrowing before she grabbed it to get a closer look.

After realizing what it was, she stared at me, back at the phone then slowly eyed my stomach.

I nodded.

"Does the pack know?" Allie whispered.

I shook my head 'no' instead of responding vocally. Roxana, Maggi and Briana had gone outside on the porch as they felt more comfortable to leave me alone with Allie so they could be on the lookout for Alyx and the fighters.

Allie gave me the biggest smile then hugged me, her arms tight around my shoulders in an embrace. "Mom would've been so thrilled!"

Annika always wanted grandkids. She joked about me and Allie both giving her 4 she could spoil. I'm not sure if she would've been thrilled finding out that I'm pregnant with a shifter's baby, but I didn't want to think negatively. Allie bringing her up made me miss her, my heart fluttering at the thought of my mom squealing in excitement about having a grandchild on the way and how dad would've said something along the lines of "Finally, you gave one of the guys a chance, but is he working?"

The screen door flew open and came in the pack members that had chased after Kenneth. Allie and I stood up and watched them come in, my heart started racing when I didn't see Alyx.

The Return (Sequel to Different Kind of Blood) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now