Train Rides, Districts 6, 7, + 11

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District 6

Haruka dragged Faqir behind him as he searched the cars for his bada*s best friend. Content, Faqir followed him dutifully, apparently not having any Mentors or stylists he was eager to see.

"Serena!" Haruka called. "Serena Hasegawa!"

The door ahead of them opened. Haruka jumped, waited until Serena had come all the way into the dining car, and ran over to tackle her in a hug. Serena chuckled warmly, pulling Haruka close.

"Hey, found you," she greeted. "...Welcome back, Haru."

Haruka stood back and dragged Faqir over, shoving him out to Serena by the shoulders as if presenting a prize. "I got one!" he exclaimed triumphantly.

Faqir waved. "I got got."

Serena offered him a handshake. "I noticed. Thanks for not abandoning my childhood friend to die in a hole surrounded by angry lizards."

"There was a shocking lack of lizards in that jungle," Faqir admitted, obligingly shaking Serena's hand. Proud, Haruka went to their sides and hugged both of them again. "...Your childhood friend is adorable."

"I know," Serena said fondly, ruffling Haruka's hair. "Yuzu's with my parents in District 13. Your aunt and uncle are there too, but I know you're not as close with them."

"Is Yupon mad at me?" Haruka asked worriedly. "Did you tell her I was really, really sorry for accidentally blabbing about her to a bunch of strangers?"

"Actually, we didn't hear anything," Serena said. "As soon as the conversation steered towards Yuzuno, the camera changed to a new alliance. Lucas said the camera attendant was an ally of ours. I guess she knew you were gonna say something stupid in your depression."

She paused, hugging Haruka closer. "...Haru, I am so sorry about Tori..."

Haruka winced. Somber, he leaned into Serena's shoulder, quieting.

"You did everything right," Serena said gently. "I know she was grateful."

"...How's Tsubasa?" Haruka asked worriedly.

Serena shifted, sighing. "...Not...not great, obviously," she murmured. "...He's been quiet since she died. I told him to go with everyone else and get his parents to safety earlier. He's with them in District 13 now."

"So that's where we're going?" Faqir asked. "I guess that makes sense. Isn't that place in ruins, though? Like...twice over?"

"So was your District twenty-five years ago," Serena pointed out. "Places can be rebuilt. Ever since President Merryweather took over years ago, hovercrafts haven't bothered checking the remnants of District 13. The older Mentors have been sneaking tents and supplies out there for ages now."

"And Yupon is already there," Haruka confirmed.

Serena nodded. "...You two must be exhausted. We have bedroom cars around here towards the back. Want me to lead you there?"

"I'd be happy to sleep with your best friend!" Faqir exclaimed. He hesitated. "That...came out...wrong...?"

Haruka raised an eyebrow at him. Faqir studied his expression.

"...That came out wrong," he confirmed. "Just like me. I also came out wrong. I need to stop making terrible jokes at the worst possible moments..."

"I am really tired," Haruka admitted, deciding he could lecture his new boyfriend about his sense of humor later. "Would you mind? ...Also, I'm thirsty."

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