Tribute Parade

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The day of the opening ceremony arrived with much fanfare. The tributes met up with their stylists a final time to get into their costumes, then mounted their chariots and off they went.

Cerys watched Chou out of the corner of his eye as he waved to the crowd of Capitolites greeting the districts. Fortunately, Mercy had managed to intimidate Audrey into letting him wear a shirt. Unfortunately, she had never said the shirt couldn't be hanging completely open, thus nearly defeating the purpose of a shirt, but whatever.

If nothing else, the team that had done the full-body makeup for himself and Chou to make them look like dryad faeries had done good work. It didn't feel too cakey or warm in the sun; Cerys would have to ask what brand they used.

Chou was waving with a practiced flair, her lips in a small smile, but her eyes wavered and her face was pale. She was terrified; it wasn't hard to see. Wanting to assure her, Cerys offered his hand. It took Chou a moment to notice it.

Her face fell, eyes drifting to Cerys's face. "...Why're you botherin' bein' nice to me?" she asked quietly. "You...ya know only one of us gets to leave."

"...I'm hoping we may get an exception this year," Cerys admitted. "Besides, it isn't like I want you to lose. Perhaps we can stay together and--"

"No," Chou interrupted. She bit her lip, looking down at the dirt road as they passed. "...If we stay together, we...we'll have to choose who lives if we make it to the end. I don't...I don't wanna have to do that."

Cerys hated to admit it, but she had a good point. Still, feeling melancholy, he offered her his hand again. This time, she took it.

"...I'm sorry about Mercy," he murmured. "She's...very particular about who she gets close to. She's trying to protect herself. ...I know that sounds selfish."

"It does, but...I don't blame her," Chou admitted. She smiled faintly at Cerys. "Thanks for tryin' to make me feel better, though. It's...nice to just ignore all this for a second."

"We're dressed as fairy royalty, may as well act like it," Cerys agreed with a chuckle.

"Can't wait to kidnap children with you!" Chou exclaimed cheerfully.

Cerys snorted, covering his mouth to avoid getting caught laughing. Chou's smile grew, as if she were proud of herself for making him laugh.

Yes, just for a second...they could forget about the Games.


Laurel wished she had a spyglass.

It was hard to spot her father in the crowd of Capitolites. Bandages, torn and soaked in blood, wrapped around her body like a rotting mummy. Her skin was painted to resemble stone, chipped and cracked in places, and she'd been granted red color contacts to enhance the look. Horns and wings completed her gargoyle disguise, a plaster trident gripped in her hand.

With her free hand, she blew kisses into the crowd, waving enthusiastically to everyone in the crowd. "Hello, Capitol! You all look lovely today! I can't wait to feast on your bones!"

Predictably silent, Levi stood beside her, dressed in torn rags and designed to look as broken as possible. If Laurel was the predator, he was the survivor; battered to hell and back, but standing strong and with a fire in his green eyes.

She's too excited about this, he thought. But then again, I guess I'm no better. I wonder who's watching from home.

"Can you talk?" Laurel asked curiously. "I've never heard you talk."

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