Arena, Night 3 Part 2

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Day three of the Hunger Games and Balthazar Bassett had only grown more concerning.

Aoi was starting to suspect the boy's father was some kind of cult leader with how...disconcertingly empty Balthazar seemed. When Cerys managed to spot a jungle bird and shot it out of a tree with an arrow, Balthazar performed the killing blow with cold efficiency as if he knew exactly what to do. There were times he seemed more like a porcelain doll than a real human being. Sometimes, taking it a step further, he seemed like he was trying to emulate human beings and hadn't quite figured them out.

Aoi didn't want to pry if it was painful, but her concern was only growing. Once they successfully found a way to break these kids out and protect them, what was next for Balthazar? What kind of hellhole would she be dumping him into?

"...What are you three gonna do when we get out of here?" she decided to ask, as the alliance of six shared roasted macaw.

Oni kicked out her feet in front of her, swallowing her bite of bird wing before responding. "I'm gonna hug my daddy and tell him I love him. And then we're all gonna live in the Victor's Village together and eat cake forever, and Madoka will be there too, and then one day we'll get married."

"H-h-huh...?!" Madoka perked up, squeaking. He attempted to respond and ended up babbling about nothing.

Aoi smiled, chuckling. "Does Madoka get a say in that?"

Oni tilted her head, examining her district partner. She frowned, then nodded. "Of course, but he's okay with it."

Madoka did not deny this. He hid his face in his knees, mumbling gibberish.

"I see," Aoi murmured. "And what about you, Balthazar?"

Balthazar stared at the piece of poultry in his hands, silent. Aoi allowed him two full minutes before repeating, "Balthazar?"

"I...I cannot say," Balthazar finally answered, quiet.

"...Because you don't know, or because someone told you not to?" Aoi asked gently.

"Aoi," Cerys began, "I don't think pushing this is a good idea."

"I know," Aoi admitted. "But I'm known for being a very stubborn b*tch."

"No swearing in front of the children," Naoki chastised.

"Right, sorry. I'm a stubborn a*s."

Naoki huffed.

" is a bit of both," Balthazar confessed, a bit nervously. "My father has been very clear that I am not to discuss our family with anyone else."

"Why is that?" Aoi pressed.

"Aoi, please," Cerys cut in.

Aoi folded her arms, aiming a neutral stare at him. "Cerys, I'm sorry, but if I'm going to be rescuing this kid from the Games only to return him to an abusive father, I need to know that. I'm not going to sit around on my a*s and let him get hurt if there's something I can do about it when we leave this place."

Cerys frowned worriedly, eyes landing on Balthazar, whose hands were subtly trembling. "I understand that, but is there not a much better way to go about it? You're scaring him."

"Am I scaring him?" Aoi asked simply, tone soft, but expression stern.

Naoki placed a hand on Balthazar's shoulder, then lightly patted his head. "Balthie, honey? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

Aoi's nostrils flared. "Naoki--"

Naoki shot her a look that simultaneously said "I know what I'm doing" and "You went too far." Aoi quieted, aware her ego had caused her trouble in the past. Old habits died hard.

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