Arena, Night 4 Part 1

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Aoi sat nestled in the corner of the ledge, expression sour and deeply distressed. Though her tears had slowed down by now, she had remained in a state of near-catatonia since the cannon announcing Balthazar's death. All eight people crammed onto the ledge of the tunnels were silent, keeping to themselves or muttering with other alliance members.

Finally, Naoki and Cerys joined Aoi by her corner. She glared at Naoki with all the fury she could muster, not saying a word.

"...I tried," Naoki whispered. "I...I-I need you to know I tried."

"Not hard enough," Aoi hissed. "It was our job to protect them. Our job. And already, already, we have failed. Miserably."

"...Otoshi didn't fail," Cerys murmured softly. "Because of his sacrifice, Madoka survived the Bloodbath."

"Where was that sacrifice for Balthazar?" Aoi demanded. "Just last night he told us about his father! Just last night we promised to keep him safe! How could we let him down like that...?!"

"Aoi, B-Balthazar was the sacrifice."

This caught the girl's attention. Now more alert, she looked over at Naoki, whose morose expression was already aimed at her.

"What--w-what do you mean?" she asked, voice more scratchy than usual.

Naoki sniffled, wiping at his eyes. " you want to know what that sweet boy said before he threw himself into the pack of mutts...?" he asked quietly, voice trembling. "H-he said 'thank you.' He...h-he knew the others would need us, h-he knew it would be better for the other kids if all three of us were alive to protect them, and I swear to you, Aoi, the boy smiled. H-he smiled at me. He--h-he told me in three days, I-I had already become a better father figure to him than his actual father, h-he was scared of going home, he...he finally understood why Otoshi chose to die, and how could I stay up there and die when he gave his life for me?!"

Cerys's eyes were watering. He silently pulled Naoki into a hug, shaking slightly.

Aoi's face contorted. "That shouldn't have been his choice," she insisted. "We were supposed to be the ones who chose to die! We were supposed to give everything we have to protect them! He was thirteen, Naoki! A thirteen-year-old child shouldn't have to make that choice!"

"I know!" Naoki snapped.

Aoi flinched, sniffling.

Naoki was quiet for a moment, threading his fingers together anxiously. "...I know," he repeated, quieter. "...But he smiled, Aoi. For what felt like the first time in his life. ...He spent most of his life having his choices stolen from him. At least...a-at least, c-couldn't we let him choose his death...?"

Aoi sniffled again, quiet. Admittedly, she didn't have a response to this.

Somber, she inched closer and joined the hug with Cerys and Naoki, breathing in a shaky, deep breath. "...I-I'm sorry. ...I...I-I still..."

The other two were quiet, leaving her time to collect herself.

"I still wanted...t-to know so much about Otoshi," Aoi finally said, her voice choked with tears. "I-I wasn't ready for him to just...die like that. I-I feel like the only time I ever saw him, saw who he actually was, w-was when for a second he lost his accent and charged Adel, l-like choosing to protect Madoka was his real self coming through, a-and I wanted to know that man so much better than I did...! And now this? Now w-we've failed to do what he did? Now, mere hours after we were finally starting to understand Balthazar, we lost him? I...I-I wasn't prepared for this. I thought I was, but really, I was only prepared for myself to die. I-I never considered...I-I didn't realize I w-wasn't ready for everyone else to die...!"

She broke down in quiet crying, hiding her face in Cerys's shoulder. Cerys and Naoki each wrapped an arm around her, still silent. Over time, Oni and Madoka joined them, taking their time to grieve the early loss of their youngest member.

Finally, Aoi spoke again. "...I understand, Naoki. I...I-I get why you came down here and let him make that sacrifice. ...B-but I can't forgive you right now. I'm...I-Im sorry."

"...I get it," Naoki admitted softly. "I...I can't ask you to be okay with this yet. ...But can we try to stay civil? For...f-for the kids."

"For the kids," Aoi agreed. "...I-I need to try and sleep tonight. Can the rest of you work out a watch...?"

"We can help!" Touma chimed. "Keek and I have been taking first shift together, and HiHi is used to getting up early so he can take one."

"He's right, I'm up at four a lot of nights," Hinata added. "We weren't eavesdropping, just hard not to hear what someone is talking about a foot away from you."

"That would be lovely," Cerys said. "I can take another watch if you like. Naoki, should get some sleep, friend. We can handle the watches.."

Naoki nodded, releasing a sigh that felt weighted. "...Thank you. ...Can we trust you three?"

"Listen, buddy, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have brought you here in the first place," Hinata said. "Those mutts could have torn you to shreds and it wouldn't have meant anything to us. I'd rather make allies than enemies. Just consider it a favor to be paid back later."

Cerys nodded, though for a brief moment, his eyes grew a bit clouded. He quickly summoned a charming smile, dipping his head gratefully to the others. "I would be happy to oblige. Thank you for saving us."

"Sure thing," Hinata said. "...You want some arrows? I noticed you're out."

"Oh...would that be alright?" Cerys asked. "You've already done so much for us..."

"It's fine, I've only had to use one," Hinata assured. "How about you take second watch, Kikue and Touma can take first, and I'll take third?"

"That sounds delightful," Cerys said. "Thank you again, you've been such a big help..."

Assured of their safety, Aoi leaned over to hug Oni instead, grateful that they were too deep in the earth to hear the Panem anthem tonight.

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