Arena, Day 11 Part 5

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Aoi's arms tightened around Naoki's neck as the cry rang through the arena. The trio exchanged only a single glance; they raced towards the fire faster than ever, only slowing when they were close enough to clearly see what was happening.

No one was fighting. Laurel Faust and Levi DeWitt sat in the mud, locked in an embrace. Adel Beck was slumped behind some trees, a gash in her skull. Touma and the boy from District 6 were huddled by a group of fallen trees, while Hinata and the boy from District 12 were clustered around the two boys from District 4, the younger of which lay on the ground in a growing puddle of blood. His brother desperately begged for help, on the verge of sobs.

Aoi went white, her heart racing. She squeezed Naoki's shoulder. "Naoki. ...That's the last kid."

Naoki's eyes widened. He practically jumped over the remaining logs separating him from the District 4 boys, Cerys right behind him, and set Aoi down gently before snatching his backpack from Cerys and plopping down next to the brothers.

The older brother looked alert, eyeing Naoki with a mix of suspicion and pleadingness. Aoi stepped carefully over to Naoki and sat just behind him with a subtle wince, smiling reassuringly at the two boys.

"Let me see," Naoki ordered hurriedly, brushing the older boy's hand away from the wound. Hesitating only slightly, the boy drew his hand back, and Naoki peeled his jacket away to check the wound. He quickly went to his backpack and pulled out his new sewing kit, opening it up and reaching for a spool of thread.

"T-Touma said he needs stitches!" the older brother said.

"Touma was right, and luckily I know how to do them!" Naoki exclaimed.

Aoi nodded, pulling up her shirt just enough for the brothers to see her makeshift sutures. "He did it for me just the other day, they've worked wonders. You're gonna be okay, sweetie, we're here to help!"

Hinata frowned, then patted the older brother's back and stood, freeing room for the trio. Aoi carefully crawled over to take Hinata's spot, Cerys hurriedly taking her previous spot closer to Naoki as Naoki deftly prepared a needle and thread.

The older brother looked wary, but he knew he was in no position to turn away help. "What can I do?!" he demanded.

Naoki carefully pulled the younger brother's shirt up over the wound, then moved to kneel over him, smiling sadly at his patient. The younger brother met his eyes, a bit of color returning to his face.

"Hi, sweetheart," Naoki said softly. "This is going to hurt a lot. I'm so sorry. But you'll be okay, alright? Cerys, take his other hand, let him have your jacket like you did with Aoi. Aoi, have a knife ready to cut the thread. You--what's your name?"

"P-Piero," the older brother said quickly, as Cerys tugged off his jacket and reached for the younger brother's free hand. The boy turned red, still quiet.

"Piero, hold the wound closed for me," Naoki ordered. Nodding, Piero reached over with his free hand to pinch his brother's gash together; his brother winced, squeezing Piero's and Cerys's hands. Naoki smiled gratefully at his helpers, placing the tip of his needle right against the younger brother's skin. "What is your name, sweet boy?"

"...M-Marco," the younger boy replied, his voice barely audible.

"Marco, you're going to be fine," Naoki assured. "I need you to try not to tense, okay? Cerys and your brother are here, squeeze their hands as hard as you need. I'm going to stick this in you now."

Marco hesitated, then nodded. Cerys gently placed the sleeve of his jacket by Marco's mouth; understanding, he opened his mouth and clamped down on the sleeve, taking deep breaths.

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