The Reaping, Districts 10-12

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District 10, Livestock

"Hunger Games! F*ck yeah!"

Evan Jimenez high-fived the nearest person. District 10 wasn't supposed to churn out Victors, sure. But two of the coolest Victors of all time had come from his district, and he just so happened to be close personal friends with both of them.

...was what he told people. Actually he was a neighborhood nuisance who showed up at their homes to bother them about Hunger Games stories. But whatever.

This was his last year to get reaped. What would he do if he never got a chance to show off how cool he could be to his two best friends Georgia and Wallace?

...Oh yeah. Volunteering was a thing. Yeah, that. Evan was for sure gonna volunteer.

He headed into his designated section, humming the theme song of a television show under his breath. Blah blah blah some people said some stuff. Evan literally did not care who the female tribute was. Some chick named "Machiko" who was taking forever to get onstage.

(Machiko Nakamura went onstage immediately. Somehow, no one noticed her doing so. Everyone looked for her for 20 minutes before her mother finally shouted that she was waiting on the stage. Evan didn't notice any of this.)

Finally, the important part. Evan gave the Escort long enough to call for "Gleb" before interrupting with a loud, enthusiastic, "I volunteer, b*tcheeees!"

Georgia's face fell as Evan started towards the stage. "Oh dear God."

"This idiot?!" Wallace blurted. He shook his head, grinning sardonically. "You know what, doll? This is actually a good thing. Now we can finally get rid of him."

"Haha, you jokers!" Evan laughed, taking the stairs two at a time until he was standing next to an empty space where the female tribute was supposed to be.

(Machiko. He was standing next to Machiko. Her lack of presence was so impressive he didn't even realize she was there.)

"What's your name, cool dude with a rad 'tude?!" the Escort demanded, shoving his microphone in Evan's face.

"I'm Evan Jimenez and I'm gonna kick so much a*s!" Evan cheered.

The Escort "wooped" for him. "Yeah! District 10, meet your super cool tribute, Evan Jimenensnesenanr! And...and the other one!"

Machiko huffed in frustration.

Evan flashed a thumbs up to Georgia and Wallace. Both of them flipped him off simultaneously.

They were good best friends.

District 11, Agriculture

Even though Aoi had been attending the Reapings for 5 years now, she still felt an intense nervousness in her gut as she prepared to attend her sixth one.

It was hard to get used to the idea of murder. Despite knowing she had the assistance of two of her childhood friends on the Mentor team, she worried about how she would manage when placed in a battle royale. A battle of wits was something she could manage. Stabbing a twelve-year-old in the face? Not so much.

Why did the Reapings start so young, anyway? Whose idea was it to send middle schoolers into gladiatorial combat? Did some sick people in the Capitol genuinely enjoy these Games?

Evidently, yes. This year marked 99 of them.

Next year will be the fourth Quarter Quell. Even if any eighteen-year-olds did age out successfully this year, who said the rules wouldn't change to include people up to the age of forty-six and as young as three next year? Just the thought of this made Aoi's steps even slower as she approached the line for the Reaping. She wasn't safe. No one was ever safe.

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