Interviews, Introduction

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The Interviews were the Capitol's favorite part of the Games, according to a recent survey conducted by the interviewer himself. Biased though it may be, it was hard to argue this claim; the ratings skyrocketed when the Head Gamemaker hired Esteban Leventis to take over interviewing tributes.

He was a charismatic, charming man with a larger-than-life personality that made him stand out on camera. That was why the Capitol liked him; previous Mentors liked him because he somehow knew exactly what to say to make every tribute look their best, and more importantly, he never seemed to see when he said too much.

The tributes bustled around backstage, some more nervous than others. For many of them, the resounding advice from Mentors was simple: "Just be yourself and let Esteban do the talking."

Fidgeting, Fuyuko eyed the rest of the tributes, trying to find her way to Asahi. She had just left for five minutes to go to the bathroom. How was she already lost?

"Hi, Fuyuko!" a familiar voice called. Fuyuko jumped, but she recognized Marco waving to her across the room. Admittedly glad to see a friendly face, she shuffled over to him, waving half-heartedly back. Marco gestured to her. "Dad, this is the District 3 girl who's going to help us in the Games."

The District 4 Mentor raised an eyebrow, scrutinizing Fuyuko. Fuyuko shifted, frowning at him.

"Dad." So the Ionica brothers' Mentor was their father. Why was Piero standing so far away from him with such an intense scowl on his face?

"This was the best you could do for an alliance?" the District 4 Mentor asked gruffly. "I thought I raised you boys better than that."

Piero's eye twitched. Marco flinched.

Before either of them could speak up, Fuyuko frowned deeper, beginning to grow more annoyed with everyone underestimating her. "Well, accordin' to your son, you raised 'em not to take any alliance. But I'm smart as f*ck, so I talked 'em into it."

A lie? Yes. But he didn't have to know that. Besides, she had sort of talked Marco into an alliance, at least.

The Mentor nearly glared at her. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to respect your elders?"

"Mama taught me respect is earned," Fuyuko countered, stuffing her hands in her pockets. Was it her imagination, or was Piero fully gaping at her now? "We ain't exactly startin' on the right foot with you insultin' me. Wait 'til we get in the arena, yeah?"

The Mentor stared at her, aghast. "And this is who you chose for an ally? An inconsiderate, poorly-groomed weakling?"

Fuyuko winced, not expecting him to point out every one of her insecurities so bluntly. She fell quiet for a moment, admittedly with no way to counter this when she knew he was right.

To her surprise, Piero spoke up in her defense. "You're doing a real sh*tty job of earning her respect, Dad. At least she actually offered real help."

This was delving into a family squabble Fuyuko wasn't sure she wanted a part in. She recoiled at the sight of the immediate, blazing fury that rose to the Mentor's eyes when his son spoke up. Was a fight about to break out backstage?

Spotting Asahi out of the corner of her eye, Fuyuko called a quick, "Gotta go," and hurried off to meet him, casually flipping the District 4 Mentor off as she left. Marco covered his mouth in shock, looking worriedly between Fuyuko and his father.

Before Lorenzo could stalk after Fuyuko, Piero slid in between them, blocking his path. "Leave her alone, Dad. You can't mess with another district's tributes."

"Are you doing this just to make me angry?!" Lorenzo snapped.

"I'm doing this because Marco wants to," Piero corrected, "and I'm not listening to you anymore. Back off."

All Lorenzo had to do was raise his hand and Piero flinched, scooting back a step in a posture of alarm. Marco jumped, shaking.

"...Don't forget who you're talking to," Lorenzo hissed. "I will deal with you after the interviews. One more lesson before the arena."

Piero stayed quiet, glaring at him.

They held gazes until Lorenzo finally turned away with a huff, crossing his arms. Still tense, Piero went to stand next to Marco instead, finding his eyes drawn to Fuyuko.

If she had the courage to stand up to Lorenzo...maybe she wouldn't make a terrible ally after all.

Alright. If we're earning respect...I guess you've earned some of mine.

A little ditty chimed. It was time to begin the interviews.

Firecracker: The 99th Games Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora