Arena, Night 3 Part 1

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Laurel really had to figure out a way to thank Levi for saving them from starving to death without telling him she could read his mind.

She had been determined to chase down that alliance they found earlier. The idea to seal them inside and avoid following them hadn't been hers; it had been a thought process from her district partner, who smartly did not follow her request to push her through the hole into the dark crypt below. If Levi would speak, he could have warned everyone himself, but instead Laurel had needed to step in and speak on his behalf. Again.

He's gonna get suspicious if I keep doing that. First the suggestion to camp in the ruins, now the suggestion to not follow their prey into the abyss...if she continued to speak up on behalf of Levi's thoughts, he would catch on. He was far too smart not to.

Laurel had learned fairly quickly that, in all honesty, Levi was probably the smartest member of the Careers. She was certainly no slouch herself, but her work as watchdog for the Peacekeepers didn't leave much time for studying, and while riding the high of her new freedom in the arena she found herself acting first and thinking later. From their thoughts, she had already gathered that Evan really didn't know much of anything, and while Adel was a brilliant swordswoman, she was completely illiterate and didn't think ahead, preferring to trust her sword and her gut and deal with the consequences later. Only Levi consistently considered things like food, water, shelter, and other necessities to survive. He was hypervigilant, always alert for sounds, smells, or sights that indicated someone was after them. Even though the alliance had a watch order at night, Laurel sometimes caught Levi still awake and thinking even when it was her turn to watch.

It reinforced a few theories of hers. One, that Levi was a survivor more than a fighter like the rest of them; two, that he had something at home he needed to survive. Perhaps something similar to what her beloved younger brother Nicholas currently needed to survive.

It clicked. ...Is that why I liked you so immediately?

Laurel's eyes drifted to her district partner, who silently watched the mouth of the cave they had taken over as a hideout for the night, his expression determined yet oddly forlorn. I like you because you remind me of Nico?

Is that why...I keep thinking I want to take you home with me?

Frowning, Laurel left Adel and Evan to talk about swords deeper in the cave and sat by Levi's side. He flinched, but seemed to settle back to his usual level of tenseness when he recognized Laurel.

"You look tired," Laurel observed. "Have you been sleeping?"

Levi shrugged. He was quiet for a moment; then, licking his lips, he murmured, "Thanks...for not going after those people earlier."

"Aw, you didn't want to lose me?" Laurel cooed. "That's sweet. Yeah, I started thinking about it when you didn't do what I asked right away." That was a good enough excuse, wasn't it? "And then I remembered they were trapped. And you and Adel are not tall."

Levi's lips twitched into a smirk. "Thanks." Did she have to point that out so casually...? It's embarrassing...

Nico used to be embarrassed about being small, too. Laurel felt a twinge of depression and pulled her legs to her chest, resting her chin on her knees. Expression solemn, she stared out into the night sky, watching the fake stars twinkle overhead. ...I hope he's okay. I hope he can make it until I'm able to save him. Gaze drifting to Levi, Laurel observed his unwavering expression, turning to rest her cheek on her knees instead. ...He's made it all this time. And...Nico is strong enough, isn't he? Lucifer said he survived getting kidnapped. So then...

Firecracker: The 99th Games Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora