Train Rides, District 4 Follow-Up

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There was no way Lorenzo actually wanted Piero to kill Marco in those Games. It just wasn't possible. Marco only thought that because he was a depressed middle child. (Never mind that Piero was also a middle child.)

He would fix things. Lorenzo would listen to him. He had to listen.

Taking a deep breath, Piero knocked on the door to his father's room.

"Who is it?" Lorenzo called.

"It's Pierre, Dad," Piero called back.

"Come in," Lorenzo invited. A bit wary, Piero opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind him. "What did you need, Piero?"

...How do I even start this? Piero asked himself. He shifted, frowning. "Well...Marco said something earlier that made me a little curious, I guess. I...wanted to ask what you thought of it. It's kinda crazy, you can tell me it's crazy."

Lorenzo looked up from the book he was reading. He nodded. "Yes?"

"He..." Piero laughed nervously, trying to pass this statement off as a joke. "He said you were expecting me to kill him and come home. Isn't that wild?"

To Piero's immense shock, Lorenzo didn't laugh.

He looked back at his book, peering at the page past his glasses. "If that is how it turns out, then yes."


Stunned, Piero was silent for a moment. Lorenzo sounded so casual about the idea. Marco couldn't have been right. What did he mean, "if that is how it turns out?"

"You--you would be okay with that?" Piero asked in subtle horror. "W-with me killing my little brother? You actually thought I would do that?"

Lorenzo sighed, glancing over at Piero with a slightly raised eyebrow. "If you don't plan to fight him, why did you volunteer?"

"To protect him, obviously," Piero shot out, voice growing sharper. Lorenzo furrowed his brow, frowning deeply. "Why would I kill him? He..."

Heart pounding, voice on the verge of cracking, Piero asked, "He was right, wasn't he...?"

Lorenzo rolled his eyes, going back to his book. "Who was right about what?"

"Marco," Piero nearly snapped, fists clenching. "He was right when he said you wanted me to come home. You--you're letting him go out there with no advice on how to protect himself expecting him to die and me to make it back. How--h-how can you do that?! He's your son too!"

It was getting harder and harder to stay calm. Piero had always, always been on Lorenzo's side. But to get confirmation from the man himself that he was completely okay with his children murdering each other was like taking a sledgehammer to the foundations of Piero's entire life. This was the man he had spent his life trying to please? These were the ideals of the Ionica family name that he held so close?

"Do not raise your voice at me, young man," Lorenzo ordered, folding his book and placing it aside. He rose to his feet, removing his reading glasses. "Look, Piero, the Ionicas are winners. We dominate the Games. I gave you all the advice you needed when I raised you. Whichever of you survives now, he is the true Ionica. I won't interfere from this point on."

Piero's temper flared. "You're gonna let him die!"

"I told you not to raise your voice," Lorenzo growled, placing his glasses down and taking a threatening step forward. "If Marco is to die, he will die because he was not strong enough! That isn't my fault!"

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