Art Gallery!

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At the suggestion of the lovely Wolfwhistle, I'm adding this chapter as a collection of art of all the OCs featured in this work!

Over the next several weeks, I'll be working on "official" art of each character specifically in the confines of this universe, but since I don't have all of those finished yet I'll just leave you with scattered art I have of each character from various OTHER universes because I'm obsessed haha whee!

Separated by district for easier viewing, here's some kiddos!

District 1 (Cerys Bellamy, Chou Futami, Mercy Crocker)


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Credit for Cerys's design goes to TwizzieLord! Thank you for letting me use your kid, Tiz!!

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Credit for Cerys's design goes to TwizzieLord! Thank you for letting me use your kid, Tiz!!



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