Interviews, District 1

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"Hello again, everyone!" Esteban exclaimed, waving into the cameras. "Who is ready to get to know this year's tributes, ah?"

The crowd of Capitolites watching live cheered in response, a few waving their arms in the air in excitement.

"I know, I know, I am excited too!" Esteban chuckled, gesturing in the general direction of the first tribute. "Let's not keep anyone waiting any longer. Everyone, greet Miss Chou Futami!"

The crowd cheered, applauding as Chou stepped onstage in a nice red dress. She waved to the crowds, forcing a smile as she sat in the chair opposite Esteban.

Esteban leaned towards her, smiling warmly. "You seem nervous, my friend. It is alright, relax for a moment. This is your last chance to breathe."

Chou's eyes wavered. She took a deep breath, then another, clearly attempting to relax, but her strained expression gave her away. She laughed nervously. "K-kinda hard to do that right now, not gonna lie to you."

Esteban nodded knowingly. "Hard to keep your mind off of the future when it feels so imminent, yes? Let's have a conversation. Perhaps we can, ah...give you something new to think about."

"That'd be nice," Chou admitted. "Usually I go runnin'--r-running to clear my head, but I ain't--haven't been able to do that lately."

"Chou," Esteban began with a chuckle, nudging her, "you are in good company. We can use our natural accents here."

This actually seemed to successfully soothe Chou; she laughed a bit less nervously, shifting in her seat until she slouched in a more comfortable position. "My parents would kill me for talkin' like this, but they ain't here and I'll prolly die anyway!"

The audience laughed, despite the morbidity of her joke. Esteban chuckled, nodding as he leaned back to match her relaxed posture.

"Well, you said you like running! Perhaps you are safer than you think," he offered. "Your parents, they are the heads of Goldwing, yes? How involved were you in the company?"

Chou snorted, shaking her head. "Man, I got nothin' in my dang brain but butterflies an' cute boys! I did nothin' for that company 'cept look pretty at company dinners and smile at the Capitolites when they paid a visit!"

Again, the audience laughed. Chou seemed proud of herself.

"You mean running a business is not the kind of running you are used to?" Esteban clicked his tongue. "Shame on you, Chou."

Chou chuckled, genuinely at-ease. "Yeah, I do more marathons. I ain't particularly fast, per se, but my stamina's great. I could run circles 'round this place for hours and still keep chuggin'."

The audience chanted an "ooh" in near-perfect synchronization.

"Impressive," Esteban said sincerely. "That may help you in this year's Games! I hear we have a particularly high amount of environmental debris in this arena."

"Parkour ain't exactly my thing," Chou admitted, waving a hand. "But I bet I can figure it out! Got me a 7 on the obstacle course, after all!"

"Lucky number 7," Esteban agreed. "Have you found any allies for these Games? Perhaps your district partner?"

Chou shrugged. "Nah, we...decided to split up."

"So you weren't distracted?" Esteban pressed teasingly.

Chou blushed as she processed what he meant, laughing. "Nah, nah, but a real concern, honestly!"

The audience laughed again.

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