Arena, Day 4 Part 2

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"Faster, Godd*mmit!"

After their talk the previous night, Aoi had not expected her alliance to start their morning by running for their lives from a pack of saber-toothed tiger mutts. She gripped Oni's hand like a lifeline in one hand, her other hand clinging to a knife. Cerys fired arrows as quickly as he could load them, moving backwards as Madoka followed Oni as closely as he could. Naoki and Balthzar lingered near the back, their long legs somehow hindering their trek through the muddy jungle.

It was the first time since the Bloodbath that their vow to protect the kids was being put to the test. Aoi hadn't been aware her heart could beat this fast.

Could they climb trees? No, not unless they had a huge head start. Could she draw them away? She could try, but why would the pack go after one skinny girl instead of the whole group of meat?

"Captain!" Oni shouted suddenly, pointing over at what appeared to be some sort of human-sized burrow made from mud and grass. "Over there!"

"Good job, Oni!" Aoi beelined for the burrow, glancing over her shoulder and noticing a few tigers were getting closer. She grit her teeth. "You go investigate, see if you can get down there, I'll hold them back!"


"Now, Oni!"

Startled, Oni scrambled over to the burrow and peered inside. She tentatively slid her legs through the opening, took a deep breath, and shoved herself in. Aoi was in the midst of stabbing a tiger in the eye and desperately trying to avoid having her arm chewed to pieces when Oni yelled, "It's safe!"

Thank God! "Guys! OVER HERE!"

Cerys heard her first. He shoved Madoka towards the burrow, firing a few more arrows before chasing after him. Madoka yelped, tripping on his way to the hole, but he managed to dive inside. Cerys joined Aoi by the entrance, grabbing his last arrow from his quiver.

"This is all I have left!" he cried. "Where is Balthazar...?!"

"I've got him!" Naoki yelled.

"Go down," Balthazar called.

Cerys frowned, worried. He gritted his teeth, glancing back at the burrow. "Aoi, go down there, protect the kids in case of threats! Naoki and I will ensure Balthazar arrives safely!"

Aoi bit her lip, then nodded, sitting on the edge of the hole. She slipped through, landing a bit rough on the floor. Oni helped her up and Aoi ushered her and Madoka against the wall. She watched the hole overhead; chances were at least one of the adults would fall at this point, right? Was it time to prepare herself for the possibility of losing Naoki or Cerys? What if both of them fell protecting Balthazar?

She kept her face as neutral as possible so the other two kids wouldn't know she was worried. Come on, please let us all make it out of this one...!

Someone slid into the tunnels. Aoi backed Madoka and Oni against the wall, torn between relief and terror when she realized it was Cerys. Quickly, Madoka scurried out from behind her and went to help Cerys to his feet, supporting him back to the wall.

"Naoki? Balthazar?!" Aoi demanded.

Cerys shook his head, face pale. "I--I-I had no arrows. N-no weapons. Balthazar himself told me to join you and Naoki promised to protect him, s-so I..."

"Are you okay?" Aoi asked.

"A bit scraped up," Cerys replied with a nervous smile. "But I will be just fine, darling."

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