Train Ride, Districts 1-3

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District 1

Cerys found Mercy in a train car occupied by various other Mentors after dropping Aoi off in the hospital car. Silently, he went to sit beside her.

They didn't speak. Taking a deep breath, Mercy turned and pulled Cerys into a tight hug, burying her face in his neck. Shaking, Cerys embraced her back.

"...Hello, darling," he whispered.

Mercy sniffled once. "...Welcome back."

For a moment, they went quiet again.

"...I missed you," Cerys murmured.

Mercy nodded. "...I'm sorry, Cerys. I...I did try."

It didn't take long for Cerys to realize she was talking about her delayed sponsor gift. He rubbed her back gently.

"I know," he assured. "...I know, darling. It's alright."

Mercy squeezed him closer. "I didn't tell you because I thought you'd just be disappointed when it failed--"

"I know," Cerys repeated. "You did everything you could, Mercy. I made it."

"And it wasn't like I didn't care about those kids," Mercy continued, her voice dropped to a raw whisper. Cerys held her closer, wanting to comfort her. "I wanted you to succeed. I just knew it was a doomed idea, I knew you'd fall apart if you failed...!"

Cerys nodded, a single tear slipping from his eye. Noticing him shaking, Mercy sat up enough to pull his head into her shoulder.

"...It's okay," she murmured, her tone more assured. "No one is paying attention to you. Go ahead."

With her permission, Cerys broke down crying, gripping Mercy's coat. "...I-I couldn't do a thing," he said feebly. "I...I was practically useless. All those kids...!"

"You weren't useless," Mercy insisted. "You were strong. ...They needed you to keep yourself together. Those two certainly couldn't."

These words were immensely soothing. Comforted by the one person he had most wanted to see in those Games, Cerys held Mercy as close as he could, weeping into her shoulder.

They really made it. They really, finally made it. Their long ordeal was over.

It was time to go home.

District 2

When Laurel first reached the train, she was ushered inside and led to the hospital car by a bustle of excited Mentors. She resisted handing Levi over to those filthy doctors--anyone who shared her father's profession could not be trusted--but eventually, Levi persuaded her to leave him be and go tend to her own business.

By the time she returned to the train platform, the buzz had begun to die down. Laurel started to return to the surface so she could work on her plan to otherthrow Nathaniel and rescue Nicholas, but she was stopped by Lucifer, who caught her arm as she passed. She jumped, glaring at him.

"Let go," she ordered. "I have something I need to do."

"I already took care of it," Lucifer assured her. "He's safe."

Laurel froze, shocked. "What?"

"I talked to Asahi. He sent me to Eriko, she made a plan, and we got your brother out of there," Lucifer explained. "I had a feeling you wouldn't leave without him. He's waiting at District 13."

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