Arena, Day 8 Part 2

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"Let Evan get de first kill," Adel ordered as the Careers advanced on their prey. "After dat, I dun care what ye do."

Laurel scoffed. Yeah, right. Their next kill was hers. She needed to win the Capitol back after her pathetic performance with Clare.

...I don't think the others are gonna let me do that, Evan thought crossly. What am I gonna do...? Were Wally and Georgia right?

Laurel had no space to pity him. She lifted her spear in her hands, adjusting her grip.

"We were just leaving," the girl they were stalking said evenly.

"If ye do, we'll jus' follow ye," Adel said casually. "We've been too quiet. E'eryone t'inks dey dun haveta worry 'bout us anymore."

"Trust me, we are still worried," the District 1 boy assured.

"Smart," Adel said.

I'm sick of waiting. Grinning, Laurel sprung forwards and ran for the District 8 boy, thrusting her spear at his stomach. He stepped back just in time, parrying her thrust with his hatchet.

I knew it, a thought from Evan chimed.

"Laurel!" Adel huffed. "I said let Evan do it!"

"Sorry, can't hear you!" Laurel exclaimed, following the District 8 boy as she pushed him towards the edge of the cliff. He caught on quickly, grabbing their child's hand and running him further in towards the center of the plateau.

"Naoki, you occupy her!" the girl yelled. "I'll come join you! Cerys, handle their archer!"

"I'm on it!" the District 8 boy--that's right, Naoki was his name--replied. The District 1 boy--Cerys, apparently--readied his bow.

Did she have to announce our battle plan...? We should have discussed this beforehand, Cerys thought worriedly. As he aimed at Levi, Levi aimed right back at him, breathing heavy. Okay, we're in a stalemate...I just have to try and keep it.

"Oh, fer heaven's sake...!" Grumbling, Adel charged the girl, shaking her head. The girl jumped away from her as she got closer, desperately trying to get to Naoki and their kid. Adel pursued her away from the cliff, glaring.

"Aoi, switch!" Naoki yelled.

The girl--Aoi, was it?--whirled to face him, then nodded, racing towards Laurel. Laurel smiled at her, excitedly swinging her spear at Aoi's chest. Aoi parried with her knives, taking Naoki's place with their kid as Naoki charged over to Adel. Cerys, bowstring drawn, slowly circled towards them as well, keeping Levi in his sight. Levi followed him with his bow, frowning.

I'll occupy the archer, he thought, with a meaningful look at Laurel. Don't worry about him. Just focus on that girl with the knives.

Laurel winked at him to show she'd heard him, lowering her spear and pacing around Aoi and the kid.

"Where are the other little ones?" she asked. "Your alliance seemed so proud of them. Are they hiding, or already dead?"

Aoi winced, gripping her knives. "I don't think that's any of your business."

Laurel heard Adel's blade clanging against Naoki's hatchet. She didn't bother to check on their de facto leader; Adel was more than capable of taking care of herself, shown by her effortless takedown of even Clare Looker.

Then again...Laurel had a feeling Clare had just given up in both the fights she had been in. If Laurel ran into her again, she might be in serious trouble. Not only that, but her shoulder was still aching; it only wasn't worse because of their sponsor gift.

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