"Shai? Seriously?" She questioned with a slight attitude. Dess looked at her, feeling the annoyance from Freya.

"What?" Dess asked, locking her phone. Even though she had received another message, she decide to respond back at a later time. It was clear to her that Freya wasn't liking the lack of attention.

"Y'all dating or something now?" Freya asked while she grabbed the rest of her clothes out the dressing room.

"No. We're just friends." Dess answered, standing to her feet. Freya checked herself in the mirror, fixing her outfit and hair.

"Yeah, right. Men and women can't be friends." Freya mentioned, Dess raised her brows. She maintained her facial expression while she looked at Freya in the mirror.

"What do you mean by that? Men and women can definitely be friends." Dess told her.

Freya scoffed then spoke, "I forgot you're innocent as hell, Dess." She muttered. Dess tucked in her lips, not knowing what to say to that. She didn't think she was innocent. But, everyone had a different definition for that word.

"I'm not innocent..." Dess trailed off. Freya glanced back at her, looking her up and down then started laughing.

"Ehhh, Dess, you're most definitely innocent. And that's fine. You don't understand a lot of the grown up shit."

"And that is?"

Freya shrugged her shoulders, "You know the whole sex stuff, relationships, friends with benefits, and more. You don't understand how all that stuff work since you're a child of God." Freya pinched Dess cheek, making her frown from the action.

Dess hated that action more than life itself. She never allowed her father to even do that do her. She found it quite childish, and felt as though people still saw her as a kid. She wasn't a kid. She just wished people understood that. Once Freya was done checking herself out in the mirror, the two of them headed to the front of the store. Though the conversation seemed to have died, Dess still was wondering how she was so innocent, and why men and women couldn't be friends. Her and Shai were friends which proved right there that it was possible.

"Anyway..." Freya started back up while looking at clothes they passed by. "...let's talk about the fact that this Axel fling isn't going to last long." she continued.

"How come?" Dess questioned, glancing at her phone for a second. She noticed the message from Shai asking if she was going to the game tonight. She made note to text him when they were done in the mall. They stopped in their tracks, standing behind a couple in line for the register.

"Cause he's boring," Freya replied, turning to Dess. "I mean the sex is nice and all but we don't do much. You know last night he invited me out to hang with his friends at a diner. A diner, Dess. Like seriously?"

"What's wrong with a diner?"

Freya gave Dess a blank stare. This was a prime example at how innocent Dess was. Or better yet naive.

"Oh chile," Freya smacked her hand against her forehead, shaking her head. "Jeez, a diner is not a place a girl wants to go especially with all his other boys. That shit is terrible. If you could hear the nasty shit they talk about, ew."

Dess shrugged her shoulders, not really seeing anything wrong with the situation. "Ion know, I'd think that'll be nice. You had the opportunity to meet his friends and I bet they were cool too. Plus, Axel is a really cool guy." Dess informed her friend.

Love and Basketball: Freshmen YearWhere stories live. Discover now