" I agree with you 100%, I do baby. I swear I said no at first. But to be honest here, Andre has a lot of enemies and the fact that what happened to Adrienne reached him all the way in prison is unsettling. The man doesn't have visitation or phone call privileges right now."

Diane thought about it. It was definitely weird. However, she was sure that Shuga and Chloe were the main perpetrators. It wasn't simple to prove. The team was able to search their home with Adrienne's necklace as reason to do so but they could not find any other evidence that Chloe could plan a gang rap. All the evidence they could find at the cabin were all inconclusive since there were so many hand prints from the mounds of workers and visitors that came through there. They had Chloe's locker but all it showed was that she had a huge crush on Derek. With Ashley's cooperation, the team was getting all the names that were present at the party. They could get a warrant for everyone's DNA to rule people out but without Adrienne's clothes during the attack it was almost impossible to get.

" Andre mentioned something about New York. He told me to ask you about it to prove he might be able to help."

" New York?" Diane asked, trying to figure out what Andre was getting at. They've been to New York  a few times on business but..." Then it hit her.

Diane closed her eyes and shuddered at the memory. " That bastard" She whispered, only Jason could hear her.

" You remember those trips that the club used to send Shuga and I on?" Jason simply nodded his head remembering some of the stories she told him about.

" Well this one Andre came along and let's just say it was a long crazy weekend. And If I'm being honest I wasn't planning on telling you."

" why not?" Jason took a sip of his coffee not really taking offense to her not telling him before now.

" Well..."


Diane and Shuga were getting ready for this huge party that was filled with New York's finest. Their Boss, Ray had invited them to work the party like he did every once in a while when he would throw these grand parties. Honestly, if he had a choice  he would have only brought his precious Annie. Diane could work any type of  crowd. She could be around the president and could act poised and elegant and still manage to get in their pockets. She could work a hood nigga so good they would beg her to be their number one queen. But Ray had a rule, the girls had to work in teams when it came to these events, for safety reasons. Ray was far from a pimp, the girls' jobs at these events if there's no stripping or dancing involved is to be good company towards the guest, the life of the party of sorts. Ray was far from stupid, he knew his girls got down and dirty for extra cash but as long as he got a cut if it involves his patrons and they were careful.

" I don't understand how you get the special treatment, with the makeup artists and hair stylist when I have to fend for myself." Shuga fussed, obviously jealous of the unfair treatment.

Plus Shuga was still salty about Andre dropping her after Diane proved she could handle herself working with him. Granted, Diane had not worked with Andre in about a year. After being in Jail for a month and half, somehow Andre got off on all charges. A few months later, he started coming around again. He apologized for his behavior almost every chance he got. He claimed he was undergoing therapy and was taking medication for his bipolar depression. He had been seeing Adrienne on a regular basis, without her asking or wanting anything in return since.

" I don't know, maybe it's that attitude of yours." Dan answered for Diane, who was sprawled out on the couch that was in the room.  Diane wasn't going to answer her anyways.

" Are you doing it with Ray or something?" Shuga asked, ignoring her brother all together.

" Ray is married, Shuga." Diane sighed before thanking the makeup artist, who had just got done with her.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now