Chapter 19

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"Jaehyun, do you happen to know Ten's whereabouts?" the man asked.

Jaehyun looked at his team leader and then at Ten's table. He didn't see the latter at all today. Yesterday also. Jaehyun thought he went on a business trip.

"He didn't come to work for three days already. His phone also can't be contacted." the team leader continued.

"Sorry. I don't know what happens. I don't even have his phone number."

"I assumed you know anything about him since you two are close. Even the CEO is looking for him." the man frowned a bit.

"Anyway, sorry to disturb you." he added and walked away.

Jaehyun watched his team leader leave. His eyes went to Ten's table again. Something must happen to Ten. He wasn't the type to skip work at all. It must be related to Johnny. Taeyong probably knew about this.

A few hours later, Jaehyun got off work. As he walked past an alley, someone harshly pulled him into it. His body got smashed against the garbage bin and he let a painful groan.

"What the fuck?!" Jaehyun cursed.

A woman smirked as she took off her black cloak's cap. She turned around and waved her hand. Suddenly, the alley's entrance got covered with black mist. She then looked at Jaehyun. The man frowned as he backed away. Jaehyun remembered her. She was that creepy woman back then. The lady smiled as she stepped closer.

"What do you want?" Jaehyun asked.

"No wonder none of the demons I sent succeed." she took out a knife from inside her cloak.

Jaehyun widened his eyes as he used his briefcase as a shield. He knew this lady had bad intentions. But he didn't expect her to be this crazy.

"Your body is covered with a thick aura of him. It's suffocating." she gripped the knife.

"I'm the one who truly deserves it!" she yelled.

"I wonder why Lord Asmodeus choose a lowly peasant like you?"

"What do you want from him?" Jaehyun asked.

"I want him. I'm the one who is destined to be with him! Not you!"

Out of a sudden, four men came out of the shadow, surrounding Jaehyun. He couldn't escape anywhere.

"The only way to break the bond is to kill you." she stated.

The men suddenly grabbed Jaehyun. He started to struggle but failed. They outnumbered him. He could see the woman approaching him with a devious smile on her face.

"Slattunus Valevagrom Vildkorn Khivik Solerhamn Asmodea."

She thrust the knife forward and stabbed Jaehyun in the stomach. The man gasped with his eyes widened. Blood started to come out profusely from the wound. Jaehyun could feel the unbearable pain exploding all over his body. His vision started to get blurry. Suddenly, a blue flame appeared in front of Jaehyun. A strong force pushed everyone away except Jaehyun. His body started to glow as he levitated in the air.

Taeyong came out of the flame as his wings spread wide. His horns grew bigger. The red eyes blazing with the flame of anger. The demon revealed his true form. The woman grinned as she was shaking in pure happiness. She reached out her arms and kneeled on the ground.

"My Lord, how lucky I am to be in your presence. I am Hyejin. Please take me by your side." the woman said.

Taeyong looked at Jaehyun. The man was squirming in pain, breathing heavily. The demon gritted his teeth as veins started to pop out of his neck. He was fuming. Suddenly, tentacles appeared and wrapped around all the men including Hyejin. The grip tightened as they started to scream in pain.

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