chapter 24: box full of lies

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"box full of lies"

It's Thursday night. You currently sit outside next to Yoongi just chatting. There was a huge turn out and it was almost overwhelming. You turn to see again many dancing bodies inside and outside. It's either Jimin invited this much people or people invited themselves.

"So what do you plan on doing next?" you ask about Yoongi's future music projects.

"I have some drafts and I think I might make a mixtape," Yoongi says so casually and your eyes widen.

"Wow really? That must be fun but hard at the same time," you reply.

"Yeah but I think I'll be a good experience and I get to finally release my own stories through music," Yoongi says and you nod at his response.

"Well.. thanks for the chat as always. Ari's calling you," you point to Ari in the near distance so you both part ways.

You grab the first bottle of alcohol you see and take a drink. It's been a while and been a while since you've seen Yerin.

"Jia.. looking lovely," Yerin gives a fake smile and grabbing a bottle.

You return the smile. "Thanks."

"So how's you and Ji-"

"Babe!" Jimin calls out for you just in time. She always asks the same thing. Why doesn't she just ask Jimin himself?

He didn't even spare a glance at Yerin and just grabbed you by the waist walking to the dancing bodies. "Let's dance!" Jimin says happily and you chuckle at his enthusiasm. I guess he's actually having fun.

If you're going to dance with Jimin you need to drink a little. You gulp the bottle down in one go and Jimin joyfully cheers you on. He looks so happy, it makes you question why. "Why are you so happy?"

"Nothing really! It's like I've been holding myself back from having fun," Jimin smiles as you both dance together. I mean it's better than a frowning Jimin.

Jimin holds your hand spinning you in a circle and back into his chest as you both dance carelessly. You continue to dance having fun and not thinking about anything. Just the two of you having some fun for once.

"Jimin! Come play beer pong with us!" Jungkook calls in the near distance.

Jimin looks at you if you wanna come but you shake your head. "It's okay go have fun, I'm gonna get some water," you say and go into the kitchen.


The coldness of the water refreshes you. You smile at the thought of Jimin being cheerful. It was so new to see this surge of happiness in him. It looks better on him.

But your smile soon turned into a frown seeing Yerin and somehow Jin dancing together. Maybe asking won't be too bad. It's just a question. I mean if he is with Yerin then it confirms your thoughts. You take a big breathe and walk back outside slowly until Jin's alone by the dance floor.

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