chapter 7: i'm sorry what now?

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"i'm sorry what now?"

Finally the weekend comes and you asked Yumi to come with you to Ari's party. Ari's party dress code was white. So you wear a sleeveless white dress that reaches your knees which highlights your natural figure.

The white heels make you even taller than ever, making you feel even more confident. Along with a pearl necklace and earrings. You both finish up and head out the door, you bid goodbye to your dad. Luckily your dad isn't so strict as long as he knows where you are, which you appreciate a lot having this freedom.

"Hey mint cho, thanks for picking us up," you say as you take a seat at the front and Yumi behind you.

"No problem, strawberry head," he replies back ready to pull out onto the road.

"Guys what's up with the nicknames?" Yumi asks curiously.

"Oh yeah, you know how I told you we hung out. We got ice-cream and both talked about hating mint chocolate. And you know I always get strawberry," you reply back.

It's amazing how one conversation can lead to a new friend. Yoongi is one of those friends who says the least things but still the most impactful. The best listener and the most patient person you've ever met.

"Yeah girl, I agree too. Mint chocolate tastes like toothpaste," Yumi adds and you all laugh.

The car finally pulls up on the drive way with many other parked cars. You and Yumi gasp at the white huge ass mansion. Damn Ari is not only is pretty, has a heavenly voice but she's also rich.

Yoongi walks ahead leading you both and Yumi pulls you closer to her to tell you something. "Are you Yoongi a thing or something? Is there something I don't know?" Yumi whispers in your ear.

"No, we're just friends. I don't like him like that. We connected since he lost his mother too," you whisper back, while still walking along the long path to the mansion.

Yumi nods at your response, giving you a warm smile. She knows how much you struggled and having someone that understood that pain helps a lot.

"Plus he likes someone else," you say while chuckling at the thought.

After an eternity, you all reach the mansion and head inside. "Hey guys, glad you could make it. I see you brought a friend," Ari smiles and gives you all a hug.

"This is Yumi, my best friend," you say introducing them to each other.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I hope you all have fun tonight, lots of drinks! So drink up!" Ari cheers and bids a friendly goodbye.

"Oh girl, drinks here I come!" Yumi squeals and runs off into the distance. Typical Yumi behaviour.

Yoongi scurries somwhere after you chatted for a while, leaving you alone on the large terrace outside. You look off into the distance seeing the large pool and the dance floor full of partying bodies. You take a sip from your drink and laugh at what you see.

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