chapter 3: hurting heart

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"hurting heart"

You open the door and smell the mixture of dancing bodies and alcohol. Yumi loves parties as much as you do surprisingly and gives you a wink before disappearing off into the body of dancing people. Heading further in, you take in the youthful atmosphere and went for a drink. As you're about to grab one, Jungkook yelled your name catching your attention.

"Hey Jungkook! the best party as usual," you smile, giving him a warm hug as he returns your embrace.

"Hey Jia, I'm glad you came. Good to know Yumi finally pulled you out of your gloomy rabbit hole," Jungkook chuckles.

"One you're the rabbit here. Two, yes I'm very glad to be back."

Jungkook laughs and give you the drink that you were supposed grab. "Well your presence is highly missed. You have some people that wanna hit you up," Jungkook nudges you causing you to look at the many random guys gazing at you.

You snort at his sentence, looking at all those mixture of weird and horny boys. "Oh please, they think they are all it. I'll just hit their balls if they lay a hand on me because horny boys is the last think I need."

Jungkook laughs at your response. "Ah typical Jia. Anyway go have some fun. See ya around bestie," he nudges you and heads outside to the pool.

Ah yes Jungkook also known as Jeon Jungkook is your childhood best friend and is basically one of your only friends besides Yumi. You're not gonna lie he is attractive person in general but you love him as your best friend and it feels right with just that.

You remember Yumi and Jungkook trying to get you out of your room from crying all day. I mean you weren't eating at all and just slowly fading away after mother passed. During the break before uni started, you were a complete mess. But you promised yourself that you'd stay strong and get out of your gloomy shit hole before uni starts, and so that's what you'll do, or try to do. Brushing away your thoughts you chug the whole bottle of beer and grab another one.

"Woah, calm down there princess," Jimin chuckles at your sudden state. You turn to see him and internally making you annoyed.

"Well you're not the boss of me so I'm gonna keep drinking," you say grabbing four bottles and stomping away outside. Man you don't know how Jungkook is friends with that idiot.


You sit outside looking at the colourful sunset that looks beautifully painted like art. You sigh continuing to gulp down the alcohol. You weren't the only one gazing into the sunset as you didn't realise someone was next to you. He seemed so intimidating yet so calm with his mint green hair.

"Sunsets are my favourite," he says still looking at the orange sky.

"Why is that?" you ask him, looking at his side profile in curiosity.

"Looking at the sunset gives me hope," he says and you nod at his response.

"It really does give hope. I used to watch the sunset with my mother," you sigh, finishing the bottle.

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