chapter 1: fuck

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Park fucking Jimin, an absolute fucking asshole. I can smell his dumb existence from a mile a way and I'll still be pissed the fuck off. Constant stupid teasing and fighting. He's so fucking full of himself. As you can tell fuck is my favourite word and you'll hear that so fucking often because of that fucking boy.

You remember the first time you ran into Jimin, bumping into his shoulder in high school. The impact caused you to fall on the floor, earning a grumpy and rude reply from him.

"Hey watch it, stupid."

The thought of thinking about it is hurting your fucking ears by remembering his voice. Ever since then, fighting is the only thing that ties both of you together.

Walking into university, you wear black head to toe with long high heel boots, skirt, top and a leather jacket. You are greeted by your friend Yumi and both head into your first class.

Her personality is quite different to her looks. Yumi loves her colourful and bright outfits. However, she can be scary at times but besides that she's the most enthusiastic and cheerful person you know.

You remember the first time you met her in high school, she helped you up after Jimin had knocked you onto the floor. Since then you couldn't have been anymore grateful to have her as your best friend.

"Hey miss girl, are you coming to the party tonight at Jungkook's?" Yumi nudges you as you both continue walking.

"Um not sure, you know I'd love to go but I might help out my dad at the restaurant tonight. It's been so busy lately," you reply contemplating whether you should go or not.

Girl you've been helping your dad a lot lately, I'm sure he'd want you to have some fun considering the past year," Yumi gave you an assuring smile at you knowing what she meant. I guess I should loosen up a bit.


Class finally ended after a long ass lecture and you slowly pack your bag. Yumi tells you she'll quickly go ahead to find a table, considering how full the cafeteria might be, especially during lunch.

As you walk alone, you feel someone tug your bag backwards, almost causing you to fall. Turning around your see the one and only Park fucking Jimin smirking at you.

"Hey princess, I see that we're matching again," Jimin looks at you head to toe causing you to roll your eyes.

"It's not nice to roll your eyes, I didn't even say anything bad," Jimin smiles down at you, making you scoff.

"Excuse you, I'm rolling my eyes specifically because you almost made me fall to the ground," you fire back at him crossing your arms.

"Specifically 'almost' made you fall. Oh yeah I remember when you fell back then you looked so-" you quickly cut him off by punching his arms, causing him to hiss.

"Excuse you, what was that for?" Jimin pouts sarcastically and you're internally fuming in flames.

"You deserved that, you jerk." Jimin laughed causing even more anger inside you.

"So why do you keep copying my style huh?" Jimin raises his eyebrows at you.

"One, I'm not copying and two you don't exactly own this type of style," you spit back, eyeing his all black outfit and matching leather jacket.

"Anyway I hope to see you at the party tonight. Oh you should wear a skirt more often," Jimin looks at your beautiful exposed legs.

"You fucking perv," you almost beat the shit out of him causing him to laugh and he walked away quickly before you hit him.

"Oh Bae Jia, anger looks great on you," Jimin shouts, making you wanna hit his balls. Fuck you Park Jimin.

Ever since that day in the hallway Jimin was just non-stop teasing and annoying you. Why you out of all people? He could've just apologised but no he's just fucking built like that. But it's not just that you've both always been the top students and he annoys the shit out of you even when he gets one mark above you for first place. Like bitch I didn't say nothing. Anyway this has been going ever since high school and we still go to the same university. It's like the universe is giving you a fucking punishment.

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word count: 726

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