another a/n srry

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Sup aonlike uhh hi bro its 12 in the morning en but I just wanted to make this chapter real quick for the names of the ppl incase you haven't caught onbwithbthe names and shitbalsonsorry for ny horrible spelling I'm kind tired

Sweetheart = Lucas

Madmax = Max

Antigay = Mike

America = Erica

Lucasbbg, Womenlover12 = Dustin

Superhero = El

Gay = Will

Sufer = Argyle

Weeder = Johnathan

Thehair = 🤮 Steve

Hot = Nancy

Homo = Robin

Edward = Eddie

Cheif = Hopper

Mom = Joyce

Goodcook = Murray

I also forgot to sya this is a Steve hate club cause yeah anyways lmk if I forgot anyone and not including Billy cause he's just a guest and not a special one

Also Womenlover12 for Dustin's name will come later

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