ong yall weird asb

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Noeyes: Lucas and Dustin fought at school today guys 😨

America: smh none of them can fight for anything

Toothless: it doesnt even matter anymore

Fresh: Yeah it doesnt matter

Homophobe: Maybe they'll rekindle their broken relationshop

Fresh: Maybe do that with your dad

Homophobe: 😨 too far man calm doewn

America: Lucas is foaming at the mouth rn what did yall do to this man

Fairy: What did Dustin do to that man

Toothless: I didnt do shit

Fresh: Yeah sure

Noeyes: Where are the adults we need them for this conflict

Fairy: their adulting

Toothless: Your making a big deal out of shit, you punched me so i punched you back what'd you expect? For me to start crying were not babies anymore


Fresh: So now im making a big deal? Yeah i did punch you first but i had my reasons you were being a total dick about me playing basketball and sitting at their table, acting like their not my friends also

Hair: 🥤

Toothless: Well if there so great why dont you go hang out with them instead of losers

Fairy: 🍿🍿

Fresh: Gladly

Noeyes: 🧀

Homophobe: *slurps loudly*

Goodcook: You kids and silly arguments

Homo: Family video is having a discount and steve come to work before you get fired

Hair: Im on my way

Noeyes: Me and mike are going to wills house to do jsust dance tonight anyone down

Homo: Me and steve will be there

Hair: I guess?

Toothless: Lucas im sorry

Goodcook: you kids need to get your life together

Hair: i agree with him

Goodcook: Thank you

Hair: your welcome ig?

Goodcook: Now, was it a physical fight or just a verbal one

Fresh: Both

Goodcook: What was it about

Fresh: Basket ball and more but thats between us

Goodcook: Do you both know where you went wrong

Toothless: no

Fresh: by punching him

Goodcook: Okay, can one of you other kids recite this argument

Fairy: Mike can

Homophobe: okay so dustin was like why do you always go over there when all tjeh do os talk shit and licas was lkke for information and shit and then tjwu aegied somemore thwn kasom xome ober ans asked lucas somethinf and yhen dustim was lile dont go its a set up you dumbass and then lucas was like i wont but we all know damn well he was probablay gonna go but he didnt whixh is like surprising cause we all didnt beleilevee him so yeah

Goodcook: That is barely english but okay, how did you know it was a setup

Toothless: I mean it was obvious they dont have practice untill like an hour after school ends plus all the othee kids were laughing and all of them were whispering

Fresh: Like that proves anything

Toothless: Not only were they whisperig they were looking and pointing at you

Goodcook: He has good skills

Fresh: I mean i guess

Goodcook: Well you kids just need to talk it out and see where you both went wrong

Toothless: Sure

Fresh: I guess?

Goodcook: Good

A/N 573 words i had no inspo for this one so its kinda shitty and short im guessing the next one will be better? Lmao its like five in the morning also this one kinda makes it seem like lucas are dustin are dating in a way but

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