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Many reports capitalizing on the death of young men. The same cause of death, snake bite to the neck. The whole city of Retawnus was thrown into panic. The strange serial killer serpent that has taken over the city, causing untimely deaths of promising young men.

The police with all their intelligence were thrown even in more confusion. Their investigations so far was not leading them anywhere; they were in vicious circle of confusion with no headways.

The people being killed were big boys in town. And people don't even know what was killing them. On the other hand, Jaxburn and his converts were also into critical investigations to unmark the face of Saxlim his sister who was raised by his mother the Ocean. And they have never seen face to face before.

The legend had it that millions of years ago when the sun and the ocean met and fall in love and had canal knowledge of themselves, just one night stand; the sexual intercourse produced a set of twins, Saxlim and Jaxburn. Saxlim was the first to come out of their mother's womb. When the sun learnt that Ocean had given birth, he payed her a visit and saw the set of twins; their one night stand sex product, and they were beautiful.

They resolved to share the kids, the sun took the male Jaxburn the younger one, while Ocean took Saxlim the female who happened to be the elder. And ever since then; they have never set their eyes on each other. Saxlim has never set her eyes on her brother, neither has Jaxburn seen Saxlim.

And they lived for millions of years apart from each other. Their both single parents raised them in different ways and taught them different things. They were siblings but with different mindsets, approach towards life, learning background and supernatural abilities.

Both the sun and the ocean resolved that they will give them freedom after a specific period of time to tour the universe and decide what to become. When the time was ripe they set them free. Immediately Saxlim left the ocean the first thing she saw was earth.

The scenario captivated her and she fell in love with earth and dreamt that one day she will make the earth people worship her as their one and only goddess, Jaxburn on the other hand toured the outer space and did not find anything interesting because it was static and quiet. then when he visited the earth; the sight and lives he saw mesmerized him and he hoped that one day he would get the sons of man worship him forever.

He settled on earth immediately, strategizing on how to take over and control mankind. Saxlim on the other hand having fantasized about her queenship on earth. Went back to the ocean and took a permission from her mother to build her kingdom in the sea.

Her mother granted her. She went straight and built her kingdom in the sea. And her plan was that from her kingdom in the sea she can rule the earth. And that was the beginning of the war between the set of twins who were supposed to love one another.

Jaxburn strategy was winning souls and putting them in the key positions in all the careers in the world, while Saxlim was busy building her kingdom. And before Saxlim could finish with her kingdom. Jaxburn had gotten a good number of die hard converts and gave them supernatural abilities to be outstanding in their careers.

Even though Jaxburn has stayed long enough on the earth winning souls and building powerful allies. Yet, unmasking her sister Saxlim was very hard for him. Though he already knew that she was on earth and what her mission was, yet discovering Saxlim's identify was a big thorn to their flesh. The members of the "Order Of The Sun" which Jaxburn was their Lord.

But Jaxburn was very confident that one day her sister's identify will be revealed.

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