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Everything will be alright" Nathan said
"Sure" Catherina replied, and they maintained a long silence until they got to Nathan's house. A four bedroom duplex with two parlor, a kitchen and basement. The taxi stopped infront of Nathan's gate. He paid the taxi man and they both alighted. As he fumbled for the keys to his house on his shoulder bag. Catherina who was not anticipating that they would arrive in such a beautiful house, asked Nathan.
"Did you live here alone?"
"Yes I live alone" he replied. And as he opened the gate they both went in, and he locked the gate from inside. Catherina was fascinated by the beautiful exterior design of the building, the lights, the interlock, and the two sports cars that was parked in the garage. She stood flabbergasted, patiently scanning through the whole compound.

Nathan tapped her on her shoulder and whispered to her.
"Let's go in"
" Am not going in until you answer me these few questions" Catherina.
"Shoot" Nathan said.
"Who owned this house?" Catherina asked.
"It's mine" Nathan answered.
"Then your father must be a renowned business men" Catherina inquired.
"Both of my parents are civil servants" Nathan replied.
"How old are you?" Catherina asked.
"Am twenty three" Nathan replied.
"What did you do for a living?" Catherina asked.
"Let's go in first, you will see for yourself", Nathan who was already getting embarrassed by Catherina's multiple questions said as he headed for his entrance door. Catherina. Catherina followed him with a slouch. When Nathan reached his door, he unlocked the key. And pushed the door inside; the door hissed as it opened.

"Welcome to my humble abode" he said as he gave her a warm smile. They both went in and he jammed the door behind them. Catherina's jaw dropped at the interior decorations of the house.
"This house is so beautiful" she said looking lost.
"You can have a seat, make yourself comfortable" Nathan said.
"Oh! Thank you" she said and sat on the sofa.
"What can I offer you?" Nathan asked.
"Anything you think is good for me" she replied.
"I think whiskey will be good for you" Nathan teased her.
"No! I don't take alcohol" she said laughing and Nathan joined her in laughter.
"Okay, let me get you something soft" Nathan said and went inside his kitchen and brought a bottle of juice and a glass on a platter,and placed it infront of Catherina.
"Serve yourself, while I get the dinner ready" said Nathan.
"No, you must serve me, pour me a glass" Catherina said looking at him in the eyes. Nathan laughed and said, "Okay" he opened the drink and poured her a full glass.
" Thank you so much, you are such a gentleman" Catherina told him. He turned on his television set and handed the remote control to Catherina. Before he went to the kitchen.

She skipped through channels, till she got to the channel that she liked, she dropped the remote control. Few minutes later, Nathan came back to the parlor.
"If you don't mind, I will like to show you to your room, so you can freshen up before dinner is served"
"Let's go then" she said as she stood up and grabbed her hand bag, Nathan led the way to the staircase she followed him. They climbed to the first floor and entered and the lobby and by the right side was a door. Nathan turned the knob open and pushed it in the opened.
"Here is your room, everything you needed is here, feel free, use the wordrobe, everything in this room is yours" Nathan said as he went back to the kitchen.


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